Why Are You Creating Problems out of Nothing? (3)

Ruan Qishan's sudden severity startled Huang Ying, and she stood there, not knowing what to do.

"Qishan... I…" Huang Ying was not ready to give up. She wanted to fight for herself once again. Therefore, she quickly took a couple of steps past the desk and to stand in front of Ruan Qishan. "Qishan, look at me! I'm your Xiao Ying!"

Ruan Qishan took a couple of steps back and looked at Huang Ying seriously. "Cousin's wife. Do you understand my words? I don't want my wife to jump to the wrong conclusion!"

Now, Huang Ying completely exploded. "Stop mentioning Wang Yazhi! She was the one who snatched my man, snatched my family, snatched everything that originally belonged to me!"

"Cousin's wife, calm down!" Ruan Qishan thought that Huang Ying was being unreasonable. "When did Yazhi take everything from you?"