I Am Your Father-in-Law(9)

In an unknown underground casino, the man who was tall and thin and wearing green athletic leisure clothes was Huang Long. Today, his luck was very bad, and he had lost many rounds in a row. He also placed large bets, and he quickly lost everything.

"F*ck! Why am I so unlucky these days!" Huang Long angrily threw down the cards in his hand.

"Are you still playing? If you're playing, then place your bet. If you're not playing, then you should leave!" the banker at the gambling center said.

"Yes! Why wouldn't I play? I must win back everything that I lost!" The banker's words once again provoked Huang Long's desire to win back everything he had lost.

However, he was out of money, and he couldn't find a single penny on his entire body. In the end, he could only borrow from the loan shark in order to continue gambling.