I Am Your Father-in-Law(13)

Even though Huanglong had not committed any big crimes in the past few years, he was still up to trouble. Additionally, he was involved in gambling. If he was caught by the police, it wouldn't end well!

Huanglong's tolerance gradually waned. If he couldn't reach Huang Ying now, could she be planning the burn her bridges, ignoring him now that she's made full use of him?

Just like twenty-plus years ago, it was clearly he who had contacted the trafficker for the child, and he was the one who bought her from him. In the end, Huang Ying had only given him a thousand dollars, while she took the rest they earned.

Regarding Huang Ying, there was not one thing Huanglong trusted. If not for the money, he wouldn't have helped her this time either.

But, no amount of money was more important than his life!

The people in underground casinos were not to be trifled with. It has been said, being alive is far better than being dead, he still wanted to live!