I Am Your Father-in-Law (19)

Ling Tianya had slept well last night. As she emerged from the bathroom after washing up, she spotted Ruan Zeyan lying on the recliner beside the bed, reading a book. The morning sun shone on his face, softening his ethereally good looks and making him look gentler.

Ling Tianya realized that after being married for so long, she had evolved from a little white rabbit to an assertive go-getter. She would always be attracted to Ruan Zeyan's ethereally good looks.

She couldn't help but make her way to the man on the recliner. Bending down, she gave him a kiss.

Ruan Zeyan, who was reading a book, was suddenly kissed by his wife. Why would he let go of this little rabbit that had hopped into his arms willingly?

Thus, with a stretch of his arms, he pulled Ling Tianya into his arms directly.

Oh no! It was then that Ling Tianya realized that she had provoked this demon king unconsciously.