An Attitude for Reconciliation

When Guan Meiyi woke up, her shoulders and arms had already been in a plaster and bandaged so as her head. If she moved slightly, her body seemed to be falling apart.

Gu Zhiqian was standing by Guan Meiyi's bed. When he saw that she had woken up, he immediately helped Guan Meiyi up carefully, "The doctor said that your arm is dislocated and you have a mild concussion. There are bruises all over your body, but no substantial damages. However, you'll need to stay in the hospital for a few days under supervision."

Guan Meiyi nodded and looked around, "Where's your mother? Is she okay?"

Seeing that Guan Meiyi could still think of her mother at this time, Gu Zhiqian immediately hugged her, "Silly woman, thank you."

Guan Meiyi rolled her eyes, "You're the silly one."