Chapter 1858 sad old father

Ruan Zeyan felt that he had really pampered Ling Tianya to the point that she was a little out of line, going against him in everything. Even though he knew that he didn’t want to see the Long family right now, he still made the decision to invite them over. Now that the long Zhen couple was here, did that mean that the kid called Long Chuan was here too?

The man’s cold eyes looked over, but he didn’t see Long Chuan’s figure. Only then did his furrowed brows relax a little.

Seeing that Ruan Zeyan’s eyes were not very friendly, even Ruan Qishan’s and Ruan Mingxiao’s eyes were strange. Among the few men from the Ruan family, only Ruan Mingyu’s eyes were normal.

Long Zhen was confused, but he still pulled his wife, Anna, up to greet Ruan Zeyan. “Oh my, ruan, it’s really been a long time!”After greeting Ruan Zeyan, Long Zhen looked at Ruan Qishan, “Uncle Ruan, your body is still as strong as ever!”

Seeing Wang Yazhi and Ling Tianya, Anna smiled awkwardly at them and greeted them.