Chapter 1874 is that why you’re angry

The children of the Ruan family grew up eating their parents’dog food. It was also because they witnessed the perfect love between their parents, that was why Ruan Anran had a strong yearning for her love since she was young. It was also because of this yearning for love that she impulsively did something like secretly returning to the country.

However, when she returned to the country, she realized that Li Shaonan was not that person, but long chuan was.

Perhaps this was God’s arrangement. All her impulsiveness back then was to see Long Chuan.


They were clearly under the same roof now!

But she could not see him!

Ruan Anran sat on the bench in boredom and looked up at the stars in the sky. Stars like these only looked good when two people looked at them together..

Suddenly, a large face blocked her line of sight.

The girl blinked and looked at the face for a few seconds. Before she could react, the owner of the face had already kissed the girl’s lips.