Chapter 2167 I envy you so much

It was the first time that Jun Jun had appeared in front of the Ruan family as Ruan Mingxiao’s girlfriend. It wouldn’t look good if she caused too much trouble, so the incident ended just like that.

After the banquet, Ling Tianya finally had a chance to have a private chat with Jun Jun. the two of them walked in the garden, and the atmosphere was rather relaxed.

“Why did you splash water all over those people today?”Ling Tianya looked at Jun Jun and asked softly, “Even though the last few people changed their words and said that they accidentally hit the water bottle, but it’s too exaggerated for so many people to hit it together.”

Jun Jun looked up at Ling Tianya, then lowered her head again, like a child who had done something wrong. “I’m sorry, I got into trouble the first time I came...”