Chapter 2322: A Real Dream (4)

That night, Yu Luoluo did not sleep well. She kept dreaming the whole night, and the dreams were still messy until she was scared awake by the last dream.

It was definitely a nightmare. There was a person in the dream with a gun aimed at her. She knew that it was a gun, and she wanted to dodge but found that her body could not move at all. She could only watch as the blurry figure slowly walked towards her, waved goodbye to her, and then shot at her.

At that moment, Yu Luoluo could almost see the bullets flying towards her. However, at the critical moment, a man blocked in front of her and took the bullet for her.

Yu Luoluo’s tears fell at that moment. An unprecedented pain and sorrow spread throughout her body.

In the dream, she screamed and screamed with all her might. She watched helplessly as the man collapsed in front of her, leaving her with his back. She wanted to see his face, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t move.