Chapter 2465 was not suitable to be a police officer anymore

Brother Chai was Cai Kun’s confidant and the next leader of the Cai Kun group. He should be locked up at this time. Why would he appear in the corridor of the police station alone, there was not a single police officer beside him. He was not even wearing handcuffs.

Cheng Chen stood in place and looked deeply at Brother Chai, who was sitting on the long bench in the corridor.

Wen Sen followed behind Cheng Chen. When he saw Brother Chai, he was also shocked. He was not as deep as Cheng Chen, and his surprise was written all over his face.

Brother Chai was sitting on the long bench, his elbows resting on his knees. He had his head lowered, and his expression was serious. He seemed to have sensed that someone was looking at him, so he turned his head to look and saw Cheng Chen, who was standing not far away.

The man’s eyes darkened, then he stood up. “Why? Are you surprised to see me here?”