
Karen saw Violet stiffened at the word. Her eyes flashed with fury and narrowed to crinkled slits. The muscles in her face tightened. Her nostrils flared. She clamped her fingers into the handles.

The moment Violet heard Karen's word, she saw 'that' scene in her mind play in a loop. She felt herself filled with unimaginable fury. She saw her 'man' inside another woman. His arms wrap around someone else's waist. His blissful sleeping face that she used to enjoy staring at.

"HOLD IT! Come on girl! Push!" Karen cheered as she saw the outcome that she wanted.

"Ah? Alright?" dazedly replied when she was awaken from her thoughts.

"Hold into that feeling! Channel the wrath that you feel into your push. Look at this picture and imagine that guy standing here. Ran him over!" Karen whiped out the phone again to Violet.