movie 'phenomenon'

Jack lunched his the time and space method, and as he did a ripple went across himself like a stone that fell on the water, after less than a second he disappears, in the next second Jack felt his surrounding changed and before he could react he found himself in the corner between two houses, Jack felt relief because if cross in middle of the road then that is another talk.

Jack first studied his environment and just as went out of allay in front of him he saw a small street with old cars and as he kept looking he saw an old workshop or garage across the street.

what he did first is launch the stealth mode then run at super speed at the entrance of the town then he put off stealth mode and walked as if he was a tourist but as he pass through, people kept looking at him, well, don't blame them because no one can see a man with a big bag on his shoulder with different face all the time, although there are Mexican and Portuguese with them but this is the first time a Chinese-American man come to this small town and a handsome one at that.

Jack walked intel he stopped in front of a garage then went to it, as he went to the inside he found three people talking one of at the door speaking Mexican and two of them fixing a car while the on the right holding a translation book trying to speak in Mexican with the first man, well, Jack recognized them all the one with the book is George Malley and his two friends and partners in work.

As Jack went to them, they also noticed him, they stopped talking and looked at Jack, the one who holds the book walked to Jack with a smile as he said: "welcome to town man, what can i do for you"

Jack took his prepared excuse, smiled and said:"can you help me fix this broking machine it helped me a lot in my travels and i am familiar with it and i don't have much money left to buy another one "

George Malley looked at jack then the machine, after a moment of thinking he said:"although we only fix cars, i can still give it a try but i don't think i will fix it now so you have to wait, intel tomorrow ".

As Jack listened he said with a happy smile: "no problem as long as you fix it in two days that would be good, and since i'm gonna stay two days do you know a place where i can stay "

George thought for a moment and said: "man i ganna have to say sorry because there is no motel in the town but i can ask the sheriff to look for someone who needs money and let him rent a room for you, but first you have to tell me, where are you from? "

Jack laughed and said :"man, let me introduce my self, my name is Jack Ming and as you can see i am half Chinese half American from a Chinese father and an American mother, since my parents died i started roaming around the world looking and know my feet took to this town, what about you man"

George Malley smiled and said:"Hi, man I'm sorry for your loss and my name is George Malley as you can see I am a car fixer"

Once he finished Jack said:"there is no need for apologizing it's been a long time George and since we already know each other i hope i can be friend with you as you know i don't know anyone here and you are the first one so let us get along"

George Malley said with a smile: "well, since you want to i don't see any reason for declining, i hope you can have fun while you're in town, also this is your lucky day as I'm gonna have a party tonight at the bar celebrating my 35th birthday"

Jack said with a fake surprise and joy: "ahh, good man I guess this is my lucky day then so be it tonight I will be there"

After this small episode, Jack stayed in the garage till night.


In the bar the townspeople were celebrating George Malley's 3th birthday with laughter and jokes as they drink there beer, also George introduced me to the group and they all welcomed with smiles, this scene went on Intel every one was drunk, Jack saw George Malley drunk and knew that his time comes, as soon as George was taking away in the car Jack followed after a few turns he saw the car stop and dropped George in the middle of the street as kept talking to the sky, after a few moment Jack saw the so-called flash, looking at the flash that was about to hit George, Jack run at super speed and went in front of George replacing him, and as the flash hit the head of Jack an amazing change start happening inside his brain, untapped zones start to become active and because of Jack strength he didn't blackout he stood firm in the same spot closing his eyes as he tried to adjust his self.

For George Malley, he was freaking out, because he saw a white light almost knocking him down but in the flash his new friend Jack stood in front of him shielding him from the impact, as for how he did it George is drunk and did not even think about it, he saw Jack stood still closing his eyes not moving, George is really worried as he tried to talk to Jack, although he is drunk but not to the point of losing his senses.

For Jack, this state lasted for a couple ten seconds, he felt..clear headed and his thinking speed is a 1000 time faster than before (because he was an idiot) he felt everything around him especially energy although he can feel it he can't move it and he felt move sensitive to everything from frequencies to vibrations, Jack remembered that according to the movie he can find anyone he think of as long as he was in certain range even his emotions can be felt this is what amazed him, it is like a 6th sense.

After calming down George Malley and telling that he's ok, George invited him to stay at his house at this moment for George Jack is a savior as well as a friend so there is no problem for him to stay in his house these two days.

Like this, time pass and two days went by, in these days Jack familiarised himself with his new mind evolution as he adapted, but one of the things that annoyed him is that he can't sleep anymore, because his brain is so active that he didn't feel tired, Jack was glad that he had the spells or he won't escape the fate of having a tumor in his brain like the George.

In the third day, Jack activated his time and space ability as he returned back. After returning, the thing he wants to do is to read every knowledge that is useful to him, but he doesn't have money so the next idea that comes to him is to find tony for payment

Jack said thoughtfully: "It is time to find Mr. Stark to pay..."


  The next day.

  right now, Tony Stark is testing his new armor in the basement of his home, but the new armor is still only a semi-finished product, and the data is still not satisfactory to Tony.

  he was annoyed and thinking of a way to improve the performance of the armor. Suddenly, Jarvis's voice rang in the basement: "Sir, I found that the godfather is at the Stark Building, and he said that he is coming to you."

  Tony stunk and said: "Javis, we all know that the geek in the tights is a stupid man called "Jack", no need to call him that title."

  "Okay, sir." Jarvis Gujing replied without a wave.

  Since SHIELD can find Jack's identity, Tony, who has the world's top artificial intelligence, can't find it, only when he knows that the extraordinary "Godfather" is just a 21-year-old Chinese-American youth.

  "But why is this guy looking for me?" Tony thoughtfully said, then he said: "Jarvis, help me prepare 'Mark 4'."

  Mark 3 was seriously damaged in the last battle with the Iron King. Tony, who had money and willfulness, did not want to continue wearing it. After the maintenance of Mark 3 was completed, it was placed in the exhibition cabinet in the basement. Wearing the new steel armor "Mark 4".

  Mark 4 actually has no difference in appearance from Mark 3, but the shoulders, chest, and abdomen of the armor have adopted a new design, which strengthens the defensiveness of the armor and the overall line is tough.

  Because it was only a few structural improvements, Tony did not spend much time on the new armor and is now studying portable armor.

  Since Tony announced that he is Iron Man, Tony has conceived to create a unique armor in order to cope with unexpected emergencies in the future. He can carry it around and assemble it anytime, anywhere.

  It's not easy to create such a set of ingenious steel armor. At the beginning of the study, I encountered various problems, but Tony has the confidence to realize the armor production of the pre-named "Mark 5" because he is Tony Stark!

  Tony stood on the assembly roundtable. Jarvis controlled the manipulator assembling the steel armor and assembled the parts of Mark 4 one by one to Tony. But this process was not ideal. After all, the robot was just a machine, and Jarvis could not control it. The action is as free as human beings, so when the armor is assembled, the movement of the robot is extremely rough.

  "Hey... Jarvis, pay attention to the action, how do you feel that you are enjoying every time you assemble and disarm." Tony complained with a sigh, thinking that he should make a professional assembly and disassembly armor.

  "Okay, sir," Jarvis replied meticulously, but the movement did not improve much. When manipulating these robots, there was limited ability. No wonder Jarvis service was not in place.

  When there was not much, Mark 4 was put on. Tony arbitrarily moved the joints. He closed the steel mask, walked out of the basement, and went to the balcony. After standing upright, the ejectors of the palms and feet gave off a burning flame making him fly into the air and quickly flew to the Stark Building.

  When Tony flew to the Stark Building and landed on the top platform, he did not see Jack's figure. "Jarvis, isn't that the other side is here?"

  Jarvis explained: "Sir, I asked Mr. Jack to wait inside."

  Tony walked into the house and spit out: "Mr. Jack? Jarvis, is your title wrong? This kid is now twenty-one years old. He just recently has a little girlfriend, and there is no experience between them. I 'm afraid that once he looks at the cover of Playboy he would blush?"

  Jarvis still said plainly: "Sir, after all, not everyone is as experienced as you are."

  Tony was very shameless: "That is right, help me make some time in my schedule, an invite the girl that is in the Maxim magazine this March."

  "Need to tell Miss Pope?"

  "hey... forget it, or cancel it, don't have to make an appointment." Tony stunned.

  When Tony walked into the house, he saw Jack, who was wearing a speedy suit, lying on the sofa, his legs on the on the table, as he was reading a book, Jack's face showed a very comfortable look.

  Yes, Tony can see the change in the face of Jack at this time, because... Jack did not wear a helmet, and the helmet was placed on the table beside his legs.

  Seeing the arrival of Tony, Jack greeted him like a guest: "Hey, come, welcome."

  Tony: "...this looks like my place."

  Jack looked down on the ground and said: "I am not blind, the outside have a conspicuous "STARK" logo, do you think I have gone to the wrong place?"

  Tony looked badly and said: "and You still know it, and why did you remove your helmet."

  "Ayaah, Fury came to me last night, SHIELD knows my identity. Not to mention Tony Stark. You know that Jarvis is the best artificial intelligence in the world, right, Jarvis."

  Jarvis: "Thank you for complimenting, Mr. Jack."

  Looking at his own smart butler and Jack as if they had chatted for many years, Tony's face was black, but he was not angry: "Well, let's say what you want today, don't tell me that you are coming to relax and read a book."

  Speaking of this, Jack attitude become serious as he said: "I found you to pay."