
Trunks started explaining to the rest of the Z warriors about were and when Goku is gonna land which made them surprised because no one should have known these details, but they have the same thought at this moment and that is Trunks has seen Goku and in turn he told him his location and time of landing, but they all neglect one thing and that is Goku is too naive and stupid to even understand these scientific number and knowledge, not to mention explain to another person about it.

Although he explained, they were still suspects because who would believe a stranger, only one thing that made them hesitate, and that is his strength and Jacks' question about Goku, besides, Trunks is stronger than them so they can only believe in him.

Once they made up there mind they followed Trunks to the destined location and in turn Jack followed them, minutes later they flew to destined place, no one talked, everyone took a spot and waited for him, Trunks took a space capsule and 'boom' in its place a small refrigerator appeared full of soda and cold drinks, Trunks took and started inviting the others, at first no one went, only when Bulma come and tasted it, they started coming, and Jack is one of them.

time passed, when everyone started losing hope a huge energy signals alarmed the Z warriors but they all had the same happy expression, because they are familiar with this energy, it is Goku's, moments later a fireball zoomed at earth at an alarming speed, producing strong sonic boom, everyone looked at the fireball with expectation and hope, as they waited for there hero, Jack looked at the speeding pod, and he flew toward it as he unleashed his Telekinesis to stop it, what Jack did has alarmed the other warriors, and Jack who felt their anxiety said directly in there mind: "there is no need to be afraid, I am just gonna catch the pod"

they were surprise hearing Jacks' voice inside there head, but one thing is sure, all of them stopped their action and looked at the scene with some expectation.

Jack caught the fire pod and unleashed his cold breath and cooled the fire, then he placed it gently on the ground.

the door on the pod opened and Goku came out of it full of surprise, first because he couldn't feel Jacks' 'ki' and he didn't know how the hell his friends know that he's coming today.

Goku looked at his friends and said with some surprise: "Hey guys, how are you here? were you waiting for me?"

Bulma jumped and said: "Goku you finally came back, we thought you dead"

"hhh.. sorry guys for not telling you"

"as for how we know you're coming today, it is because of these two do you know them, because they seem to know you pretty good"

as Bulma said she pointed at me and Trunks. Goku looked at Jack and Trunks with a puzzled face as he kept thinking if he knew them.

After thinking hard he looked at Bulma and said: "no, I don't know them"

everyone looked at the two with surprise, only Trunks hurriedly said seriously to Goku: "Goku you don't know me but I know you, it's only that I can't say it in front of everyone because the topic I want to talk with you is sensitive, so can I speak to you alone?"

Goku also looked seriously because he understands that Trunks is not joking, so he only flew to a fare place from the Z warriors and Trunks started talking about future things.

Jack looked at the scene and he started remembering the childhood memories, it made him sad and happy at the same, in the end, he only sighed at the Time, he only steeled his Will to return to his earth.

everything happened like in the series, except the appearance of Jack, but it wasn't of too much impact at the moment because he just arrived, Goku also asked Trunks if he knows me, but he was only met with a no. After Trunks finished his secret talk he bid goodbye to Goku and went to his time ship. what he didn't know is that Jack scanned the time-ship with his Telekinesis and copied it with the C.S. and left it in his inventory.

Jack went with the z warriors and in the way, he explained that he is a traveler in the multiverse and he comes here to train how to control his powers and strength.

they didn't understand the part of the multiverse, so they ignored it, but they still understood that Jack came here for training.

On the other hand, Bulma understood what he meant and this made the Genius girls surprise but full of curiosity, she kept stuck with Jack asking him about how he can do it? is there a technology that allowed him to travel between multiverse? and so on... this truly annoyed Jack, but he still answered her question, of course without relieving too much and only gave her vague answers which pissed her off, but still, they exchanged some scientific knowledge which made the genius Bulma forget her hatred but apart from that she kept bothering him. well, he didn't want to sound sarcasm but he is so handsome if he didn't use magic to lower his charisma, Bulma would probably forget her future husband, Jack didn't want that.

after they finished. Goku started talking about his experience after the battle with Frieza and how he got to a planet called Yardrats where small pink aliens with bing pink heads live in peace and have mystical abilities, he also demonstrated an ability he learned which is called instant transmission and in the process Jack learned and understood its principles, in short, Instant Transmission causes the user to go into a "Teleportation Zone", and then drop out of it somewhere else by locking onto ki. If two users of Instant Transmission enter the zone they are capable of interacting with each other. another way, this ability briefly moves the user into a pocket dimension which then allows them to move to any location instantly. However, the user cannot travel to an area they have never been to unless they can detect someone familiar to them to use as a homing beacon.

But the most advantage of this move is that it allows the user to ignore the barrier of dimension and to other places like the Underworld or even travel outside time itself, just by concentrating on a particular individual's ki signature, and transmitting or feeling that being's location.

After the show ended, everyone went on there on way to train, Jack asked Goku to take him to king kai place, the naive Goku didn't ask more and just agreed with a big smile.


king kai planet,

king kai is driving his red car around the planet and as he was singing happily, he was surprised to see Goku and a strange person appearing right in front of his car.

"get out of the way, get out of the way"

he screamed fearing that his car would be destroyed, and it was destroyed.

goku" hh... Hi king kai, oops sorry about the car, I didn't see it"

king kai could only sigh at Goku, he can only swallow it, but before he could ask anything he found the strange man left his hand and then a white light flashed and went directly to the car as it swallowed it, He freaked out because he thought that he wants to destroy the car leaving nothing to fix in it.

"Hey what are you doing't destroy it completely I can still fix it..."

before he could finish his speech he found that the light disappeared and a new bright red car appeared in front of him, he directly runs and hugged it as he kept blabeling something.

Jack used the horse talisman to restore the car to its previous glory, making as new as ever.

king kai finished his intimated time with his car, he then looked at Goku and Jack with a red face as he was embarrassed from showing his disgraceful side.

"cough cough, thank you, young man,, what is your name"

Jack smiled and said: "there is no need to thank me king kai, my name is Jack Ming and I am here to learn"

king kai looked at Jack with surprise and shock because he found that Jack has a higher form of energy, his face started sweating as he said: "God what do you mean, you already have a terrifying god ki how can I teach you I am not qualified"

Jack looked at him calmly and said: "king kai this 'god ki' is something I can't control completely, so I need someone to teach me and as far as I know there is you and Mr. Whis, but I don't know where Mr. Whis is"

King Kai started sweating even more as he heard of the Beerus-Sama follower, he looked at Jack and started thinking, moments later he said: "I can contact him, but I can't make him come, you have to convince him"

Jack smiled and said: "just leave it to me but before that let me return to earth and prepare something he would like"

king kai looked at Jack with some puzzle "ok, when you finish your preparation you can come back"

Jack smiled and waved his hand, a blue portal appeared which scared the shit out of king kai, only to keep talking: "sp... sppppace law, he can control space law"


earth, an unknown mountain,

Jack appeared, he closed his eyes and scanned the entire earth looking for the dragon balls, minutes later he opened his eyes and 7 orange beads floated around him, Jack used his mind to scan the entire world searching for the dragon balls, and once he found them he teleported them to his location.

Jack looked at the 7 dragon balls calmly he used his magic and created a mirror world, after that he said: "dragon come out to grant my wish"

as he finished dark clouds started condensing as it flashed with lightning a beam of light went straight to heaven and slowly started materializing into a long Chinese dragon, the dragon looked at Jack and said with a dignified voice: "speak your wish, you have one wish "

Jack looked at the magnificent dragon in surprise, it was really better than watching it on tv, he looked at the dragon and said: "Shenron I wish you give me the legendary super Saiyan Broly, super Namekian, and Buu DNA"

Shenron looked at Jack for a moment before he said: "As you wish", his eyes flashed a red light and in front of Jack three tubes of DNA appeared.

Jack caught them and he heard: "You wish has been fulfilled, goodbye"

Shenron turned into light particles and disappeared the dragon ball floated high up, Jack used his mind caught the bead that turned into stone, then he went out from the mirror space, and returned the dragon balls in there place, Jack is not afraid someone will take them because he placed a seal on them if the other person is bad, or not approved by Jack the dragon ball will teleport to another location.

Jack looked at the tubes of DNA and directly devoured them with the C.S, after he devoured Broly's DNA his body started to change, his hair started going upright he also started feeling itchy behind his ass, and as time passed his body mass started expanding, as you know Jacks' body is already strong, to a terrifying level that he can crash even a black hole, his muscles have already crystallized and it is 10 times stronger than the toughest metal on Marvel universe, but in this transformation his blood went from red crystal to faint golden not too gold but it started transforming into a golden-red blood this has gone on for half an hour and in the process he also added the super Namikian DNA and Buus' DNA and devoured them, Jacks' hair grew to his tail!!! yeah, you didn't read it wrong a silver tail to be exact, he now has a long silver hair plus a long silver tail, a Saiyan tail. he looked way cooler and more handsome than ever, especially with his stern and serious look, of course this is not the only change he has, in the process of integrating the DNAs his divine powers grew to a terrifying level, he also gained the Broly active ability, which is doubling his power every year, even without training. he also started feeling that he can control his divine power instinctively like forming 'energy blast' 'shield' and so on, although he can do it even before he had the DNA, it was with his WILL, now if he feels any danger he can form a barrier to protect himself instinctively.

as for the Namekian DNA, he didn't really know the abilities he gained but he is still pretty sure he can discover them off in the future or he can just go directly to Namek or waited for Dende to copy his memory and experience.

after he finished this 'small episode' he used his magic and hid the tail, then he started searching for the best chefs in the world to copy there knowledge and experience about everything that has a relationship with cooking.

Jack stayed for 5 days preparing everything he knows with all kinds of ingredients, after that, he made a feast with all kind of food, from cake to the main dishes...etc

on the 6th day Jack opened a space door to king kai planet, he looked at the scared king kai who looked at him with a sweaty face, Jack couldn't help but smile as he said: "king kai shall we begin"