New round of evolution

Susan and the others looked at the handsome man who claimed to be the godfather in shock and astonishment, the Godfather is a name that brought despair to criminals, because while other heroes arrest them, the Godfather simply kills them, leaving them no room for regret, as for normal people, he is there spiritual god, that brings hope and peace to all of them.

the first thought they all had except Jonny, is that all that they heard is a lie, but Jack who perceived there thought and emotions blinked, a moment later his normal clothes transformed slowly into his Superhero Suit, once they saw it all of them can only believe him, once they knew that the man standing in front of them is the genuine Godfather they still felt surprised.

Now, their god is standing right in front of them smiling at them, how can they not be surprised and happy, of course not all of them are happy as Vector who hate Jack, started hating him even more, because he simply can't stand his "woman" give so much attention to another man beside him, even if the man is a superhero.

Jonny who's eyes are full of stars rushed excitedly to Jack and took his hand shaking it: "Godfather, I am your number one fan, it's a great honor meeting you here".

Jack smiled as he felt funny being adored by one of the future fantastic four: "nice to meet you, Jonny".

Jonny who heard him calling him by his name shouted: "sis did you hear him he knows my name, the godfather knows my name hhhhhhh ".

Jack looked helplessly at Jonny as he shocks his head, and so did his sister Susan, her brother really doesn't know what shame is.

Susan looked at Jack with an apologetic expression as she said: "Godfather, please forgive my little brother, he becomes so excited when he saw you, you are his idol".

Once Jonny heard his sister he laughed embarrassedly, but he didn't show it, and just as he was about to talk he heard Jack: "Miss Susan there is no need for apologizing and please all of you can call me Jack, meeting you here is really a surprise for me"

As for how Jack knows their names they didn't even think about it, because in their view, Jack is a god, and one of the characteristics of God is knowing everything, not to mention their names.

Reed jumped and said: " Mr. Jack it is us who are shocked by seeing you here, I wanna ask you some questions, like how can you do it ..."

Reed started talking none stop like a radio, Jack sighed helplessly as heard him talking, and he did answer some of his questions but only with a vague answer, but it was still enough to shock the number one scientific genius in Marvel universe who is still a normal human being.

For Ben, once he knew that Jack is the Godfather, relaxed his mood, then looked at Jack excitedly, because he was also a fan of Godfather and now seeing him standing in front of him made his mood excited.

After a couple minutes of talking, they all went to have some launch, and Jack was invited, without any more nonsense they ate what they liked, later on, everyone went to do his job, the only two who didn't have anything to do are Jonny and Ben, they all stayed with Jack talking about his heroic deed, making Jack a little embarrassed, they even took photo with him in his Superhero suit posting it on Faceb**k.


Jack walked beside the window as he looked at Ben who is wearing a space suit trying to fix something. Jack knew that the fun will begin, so he just looked and waited for the cosmic storm to come.

not even 10 min passed and Reed anxious voice can be heard: "The cosmic clouds are accelerating! Minutes from impact..."

Jack who heard him didn't say anything and just disappeared from the space station appearing outside, looking at the beautiful colorful storm coming at an astonishing speed. Jack looked at the epic images that were shocking in front of him, and he couldn't help but be addicted to it. The scene in front of him was unbeatable and destructive. It seemed that the universe was showing its supreme power, but the cosmic storm was nothing but vast. The phenomenon that the universe shows is nothing but the tip of the iceberg of the universe.

Several people in the space station were anxiously calling for companions wearing a spacesuit to observe outside, facing the cosmic storm, even if Reed had previously studied the cosmic storm. It will promote human evolution, but that is only a theoretical study. He does not know whether the evolution brought by the cosmic storm is good or bad.

Unlike Reed's anxious performance, Jack is calm, with an unhurried gesture. He does not think that the cosmic storm can cause harm to himself, and he also knows that the role of the cosmic storm is to promote evolution. The most obvious manifestation is the supernatural power that ordinary people dream of.

But he doesn't know if it can help him evolve, because he already evolved to a terrifying degree, but he never had any personal superpowers except these that come from the genes he fused with himself or the Talismans that comes from his soul.

Jack waited patiently for the baptism of the cosmic storm. Time seemed to slow down the more he waited, but only a couple minutes passed, once the Storm come in touch with his skin a terrifying suction came from the depth of his genes as it absorbed the energy from the storm like there is no tomorrow, desperately absorbing, Jack felt shocked, he felt like some kind of door opened inside his body, no to be exact, inside his genes, but the more this door opened the more he felt his head heavy, making him want to sleep, but his terrifying WILL kept him awake, until the end and before he went to sleep he opened a space door inside his dimension directly above his bed, where he fell into deep sleep, while his body is experiencing an amazing change.