Nick Fury assassination

New York, Jack's house

A blue portal opened inside the living room, where his four wives are talking, laughing and having some snacks, seeing the portal beside Ivy, who in turn went alert, but once they saw Jack coming from it, they all relaxed, then looked at him with blaming eyes.

Jack got out and found all his wives looking at him with blaming eyes, then he looked around and understood that he scarred them with his entrance, but it didn't last long before Ivy jumped hugging him tightly, then followed by the rest as they all joined Ivy. Jack kissed everyone as he said with deep love: "Hello my sexy wives, I see that you are all having fun without me, and this makes me feel sad because I also wanna have fun".

Sophia and the rest laughed as they looked at him with a charming look. Sophia said: "then how do you want to have fun with us, but remember we outnumber you, so don't think it is unfair when you lose".

"you little fox then let's see who's gonna lose" as he said he took Ivy in his arms then used his telekinesis to hold the rest and went straight to the bedroom where tempting sounds that can provoke the imagination of any normal human being start coming out from there.


the next morning, Jack got up earlier than his wives to prepare breakfast for them, after he finished he went to the bedroom to wake them up, once they all took a shower, they went straight to the dining room, where they found Jack waiting for them, they all had a warm smile in there face, because the action of Jack waiting for them made them confirm that they are truly a big family, each one went to his seat and started eating.

suddenly, a black shadow ninja slowly emerged from the shadow of Jack Ming, kneeling down on one knee. the girls who saw this scene did not care as they already know that they are created by Jack.

  Although the black shadow ninja is not a real creature, it can't make a voice exchange like an ordinary person, but Jack, the master of the Shadow Corps, is their core. All the black ninjas follow his WILL and exist. An intangible spiritual link can connect them, so even without having a dialogue, Jack received the message conveyed by the Shadow Ninja.

  'Nick Fury was chased by a group of unidentified enemies on the road. "

  "Oh? Fury was chased by people?" Jack felt a little surprised and whispered.

  The director of SHIELD, will be chased? Are you kidding? It seems a bit like...

  the mini version of Bumblebee on the side looked curiously at the ninja who appeared from the shadow and asked, "Jack, who is this?"

in order to guard against any danger, Jack used the R.S. to add one other function to Bumblebee, and that is shrinking and enlarging so that he can hide from the eyes fo any enemy, and take them by surprise.

  "This is one of my men, belonging to the Shadow Corps," Jack replied casually, at the same time, also recalled.

  "Captain America 2: Winter Soldier" plot!

  I didn't expect to have arrived at this timeline, and yes, it is time to go.

  Looking at the shadow Ninja in front of him, Jack calmly said: "Protect the nearby people, avoid the public from being implicated, and at the same time contain the enemy's offensive, cooperate with Fury, let him escape smoothly."

  The black shadow ninja put his right hand on the left chest and nodded in acknowledgment, then blended into the shadow of the ground.

  Seeing that the shadow ninja is as good as it was when he came, Bumblebee can't help but admire: "It's amazing!"

  It is indeed amazing. Jack can also let the Shadow Corps take him into the shadow world, but the world is only dark, and there is nothing there.

  In the original book, Fury was not killed by the Hydra soldiers headed by the Winter Soldier, and he also played a fake death. In order to be on the safe side, Jack still ordered the Shadow Corps to help resist the enemy, so that Fury can safely retreat.

  It seems that Steve is ready to welcome the return of a good "base" friend...


  Outrigger processes -

  The guns can be heard all the time, and the bullets were all hit in Fury's car. Fortunately, Fury's car was bulletproof, so although the car was pitted outside, Fury sitting in the car was unscathed.

  However, this does not last long. The flat panel mounted on the car shows "Shell Strength: 79%" and continues to fall with each bullet from the enemies.

  It doesn't take long for the car to be scrapped, and Fury will be screened by this group of enemies.

  "Hurry up and get out of here!" Fury screamed violently at the artificial intelligence on the car. He had just faced the sudden impact of four police cars, and Fury's left arm was broken with some blood hanging from the corner of his mouth.

  Damn it!

  Fury furiously looked at the enemies who attacked him, all dressed up in police and special forces uniform, but where are the police and special forces nearby? This is simply a carefully planned murder!

  Intently watching the so-called "S.W.A.T" lifted a crushing machine from the car, came to the side of the car, slammed into the window!


  Under the violent impact of the impactor, the car was hit lifting from the ground and then fell heavily.

  "Window strength: 31%, prepare for countermeasures." Artificial intelligence promptly.

  "Wait first!" Fury gave instructions.

Calmly waiting for the counterattack opportunity, while the eyes contain endless anger.

  boom! Another heavy blow!

  "Window strength: 19%, it is recommended to start countermeasures."

  "hold on!"

  boom! The third impact!

  "Window strength: 1%..."

  "It's now!" Fury screamed, and a machine gun immediately popped out of the driver's seat. Fury pulled a machine gun and launched an unexpected counterattack against the enemy outside the window!


  The enemies who surrounded the car did not respond, as they were killed by Fury. Only some of the enemies who were far away were able to escape the frenzied scan of Fury.

  After pressing a button, the machine gun issued a bomb, and the police car that was stuck next to it exploded. At this time, the artificial intelligence finally sent a timely rain-like message: "The power system has been restored."

  "Full speed!" Fury made a slamming fire and counterattacked. The car switched to smart driving after his command and shot at full speed.

  "Start the flight function!" Fury screamed anxiously.

  "The flight system is damaged."

  "Then open the navigation camera!" Fury moved from the co-pilot position to the driver's seat. The movement of the body made him feel a pain that was caused by the fracture of his left arm so that he couldn't help but scream, then grabbed the steering wheel and told the road. : "I am driving!"

  Fury has the experience of a professional old racer, his flexible control of the car over a car on the road while being chased by the enemies behind.

  "Call the Hill."

  "The communication system is damaged."

  "Is there a good place!" Frey asked in a desperate manner.

  "The air conditioning system is completely normal."

  Fury: "*t."

  The windows are broken, and the air conditioner is a fart...

  At this moment, Fury's heart is full of depression...

  Fury and a group of chasing soldiers staged a life-and-death speed on the road. The process was extremely thrilling. More than a dozen cars hit one side, and the pedestrians on the side of the road shouted and fled.

  The members of Hydra who chased Fury did not notice that when they caused panic among the masses, countless black shadow ninjas emerged from the shadows quietly, and rescued the people in an orderly manner.

  It was hard to get rid of the enemy's catch-up. Fury just breathed a sigh of relief but found a person standing in front of the road.

  The man in front was draped in his head, wearing a black mask covering the lower half of his face, with a dark mercenary uniform, combat trousers, and military boots, his body is armed to his teeth, pistols, assault rifles, military daggers, and other equipment, a steel left arm shines brightly under the sun, and a red five-star mark is printed on the metal arm.

  Winter soldiers!

  This person is not good! When Fury saw the winter soldier, he realized the danger and found that the other party was ready to attack him. He quickly wanted to turn the steering wheel, but it was too late!

  When the magnet plate with a timed explosive device flew out from the launcher in the winter soldier's hand, quickly shot at the bottom of the Fury car, just as it was about to be absorbed in the bottom of the car, a black shadow suddenly appeared inside of the car, without giving him enough time to react the black ninja slapped Fury until he fainted, then he kicked the door with one foot and clipped Fury under his arm, jumping off the car, the movement was very sensitive and fast.


  Fury's car was blown over and raised thick black smoke.

  The Winter Soldier, who was preparing to go forward to check the situation, found that among the dense smoke, countless figures slowly emerged from the ground, and when the smoke dispersed, hundreds of black ninjas stood in front of him!

  Fury who woke up from the explosion was stopped behind by this group of black ninjas and was withdrawn by dozens of black shadow ninjas.

  There is no need for any tentative attack. The Winter Soldier and the group of Ninjas attacked each other at the same time. The Shadow Ninjas brushed the cross-darts toward the Winter Soldiers, but the sensitive Winter Soldiers avoided them in time. Once this wave of intensive cross-dart attacks stopped, he grabbed the assault rifle shooting at the ghostly ninja in front of him with his team!

  The black shadow ninja was turned into a black smoke under their attack, but the rest did not retreat at all and continued to fire the cross dart at the winter soldier and his team.

  Because Jack did not intend to kill the winter soldier in the sea tactics, so the black shadow ninjas did not appear continuously, but with the winter soldier fierce offense they were sharply reduced one by one.

  After the last Ninja disappeared, the trace of Fury was lost.

  The Winter Soldier did not feel annoyed because of the failure of the mission. He was brainwashed by the Hydra, making him like a cold machine, losing the emotion that human beings should have.

  The target fled then continue the chase... The winter soldier's heart only had this thought, sitting coldly on an inconspicuous car and quickly left the scene.