Dragon-chan’s world building explanations

AN: Arc 1 of this story takes place before any of KKKBear's story in the new world, but the prologue (AKA this chapter) is one that would like you to have read chapters 1 and 2 of KKKBear, for reference of some of the things that you've read. It'd be good to have read through at least chapter 6, maybe chapter 10... You know what, just read as much of KKKBear as you can stomach, otherwise I'll say "but, Arc 1 c9 is better if you've read up through chapter 174 of KKKBear" (it's not, by the way)

This chapter is written in first person present tense, the rest is first person past tense. This is intentional, as it marks a change in how she's narrating, between a log on earth and a story said in the distant future in the new world. Well, distant future relative to what we are seeing/hearing in this story.

The chapters will also get quite a bit longer, but unlike my other work (WHICH IS 18+ ONLY!), I don't think I'll split them up at all. They are only about 4.5k words on average later on, the longest is 6.9k, second longest is 5.8k, third longest is 5.4k, unless I missed something. Compare that to 18.6k for the longest whole chapter of Maou Among Us, which was split into 11 parts. (Maou Among Us is the aforementioned R18+ thing)


Prologue: Dragon-chan's world building explanations

My name is Nene, Kurosaki Nene. If you are reading this, I'm already dead.

I'm sorry, I've always wanted to say that at least once.

Back on topic, I am a little over twelve years old, and have been a Hiki-NEET for the past three years, give or take a few months. One year ago, I started playing the world's first Virtual Reality MMORPG, and with my huge amount of free time due to my lack of a life outside of my room, I quickly became one of the top players, both in playtime as well as achievements. After all, the only ones who can match the amount of time I've spent are those like me, who have nothing else to do but play games, or, in other words, other Hiki-NEETs. I wish that I could move from the number two spot and surpass the one known only as "Yuna", but alas, she is ahead of me by about 200 hours and 5 levels.

Now, I am logging in on World Fantasy Online's one year anniversary, the day of the new update. Will I find a new dungeon? A new set of questlines to go through? A new continent to explore? Or will they just add a few new spells, fix some bugs, and call it good? That would be VERY underwhelming for an anniversary update, so I hope not.

When I started the game, I was greeted by a white room with a hundred or so treasure chests and a familiar woman in a maid's uniform standing by the only open (and empty) chest. She was the guide I picked at the start of the game, and I must say, she's quite cute.

"Welcome back, Nene-sama. Would you like me to tell you about the new update?" (Maid-san)

I know what you are thinking, "why are you using your real name in game?" what with internet safety and all that stuff. Let me just tell you, my naming sense sucks to the point that I would have probably ended up with a name made of chuuni such as "Goddess of (something or other)" or "Principality of perfection"... Besides, my real name is not something anyone would be able to use, and I'm not using my full name, just part of it.

"No thanks, I will learn it as I go... Wait, what are these chests for?" (Nene)

"There's a present item for players with a year of gameplay. So, please choose your favorite item from this present box" (Maid-san)

"Why is one of them empty?" (Nene)

"Mistress Yuna already picked her present, and as they are all unique, it wasn't replaced" (Maid-san)

Damn Yuna, always getting things before me...

"Can you tell me what present she received?" (Nene)

"She obtained the[Divine Protection of the Bear]complete with the full bear equipment set" (Maid-san)

... What is up with this joke present? The Divine Protection of the Bear? Full bear equipment set? I hope I get one that is more useful... Actually...

"Barrier Bypassing Appraisal" (Nene)

I instantly become able to see the contents of the chests, and can see the special effects of the items inside. First up... A bee costume. Nope. Next... A sword that is fully three meters long with effects such as "Effective Weight Down (Max)" and "Shield Crusher (Max)"...

I am an Archmage (Class Level 58) with levels in Monk (12) and Brawler (7), so I have no use for a sword... though I do have 3 levels in Master of Arms and 5 in each of Sword Saint, Spear Sergeant, and Axe Adept, but still. Weapons are a pain to use, as you have to maintain them. The only reason I did all that was to get the skill "Adaptability" which boosts my stats the longer I have spent fighting a single type of enemy.

The next 50 or so chests have nothing interesting, the best was a robe that lets me fly and has high level resistance to all elements, but... the MP drain is severe just from wearing it normally, and I already know the spell "Free Flight XV", so... No thanks

Then I came across a chest with just a piece of paper bearing effects I couldn't see. Is that some kind of Grimoire? An IOU from the Devs for some item or skill they are working out the bugs on? The possibilities are almost endless. I'll come back to it if I don't find anything else interesting. After that, I found nothing good, so I returned to the paper's chest... actually, now that I think about it, this chest is 42nd from the end... a good sign. I opened the chest, and all the other chests vanished. Inside, there was a paper with a symbol of a dragon eating the feet of a human who was eating the dragon's tail, all surrounding a picture of an egg and a picture of a baby... with wings? The text underneath said "Race Change: Changeling Dragon". Huh. What's with the egg and the baby?

"I have my present, can I please start the game now?" (Nene)

"I'm sorry, there's still a survey" (Maid-san)

"Very well..." (Nene)

"First question: Is World Fantasy Online more fun than reality?" (Maid-san)

"Yes, I don't have any real attachment to the real world" (Nene)

"Does that mean you have no friends, no family, no pets? No important possessions?" (Maid-san)

"Yes... Well, I have family, but I don't care about them, and they don't really care about me" (Nene)

"Do you believe in god?" (Maid-san)

"I believe there may be a God, or several, but they seem not to care enough about the world to show themselves, so I feel no reason to pray to them or anything like that" (Nene)

"Understood. Thank you for answering the survey" (Maid-san)

"Can I sta-" (Nene)

"Please enjoy your stay in the new world" (Maid-san)

What did she just say? While I was thinking that, the room became blindingly bright, and I felt dizzy while having my eyes closed tight against the light, before my vision went dark.