Dragon-chan’s adventurer registration, part 1

Dragon-chan's adventurer registration, part 1

After I left the building I was practicing magic in, I asked someone who was carrying a sword and shield where the adventurer's guild was, and he laughed.

"What, ya want to register? No way yer strong enough. Train a few more years and try then" (Adventurer 1)

This sort of thing happened more than a few times, until I decided to instead ask some of them what rank they were and if they would be willing to teach me or introduce me to a good teacher.

"Me? I'm rank D. If you paid me a decent amount, I'd be willing to train you... but you don't look like a swordswoman. If you want a teacher for hand to hand combat, I could probably introduce you to someone, and if you want a teacher for being a mage, I could introduce you to a party member of mine who has been looking for a disciple... if you can prove that you have talent for it" (Adventurer I stopped counting after 15)

"I have been training both, where can I find one of the teachers you've mentioned?" (Nene)

"My party member is out of town at the moment, so if you can be at the adventurer's guild a week from now at noon, I'll be with her there. The potential teacher for hand to hand combat is going to get off of work as a dismantler in an hour or so, so I'll write you a letter, hand it to him and have him see if you're good enough to be taken on as a student. He's about two meters tall, has a shaved head and a scar on one eye, you can't miss him. His name is Ivan." (Adventurer)

"Thanks, I appreciate it... but I don't know where the guild is. Can you tell me?" (Nene)

"Take this street three blocks that way, turn left, and then when you get to the market, turn right. It'll be the red brick building with a crossed sword and shield as its emblem" (Adventurer)

"Thank you very much... uh... what was your name? Mine's Nene" (Nene)

"My name is Kristoff. Nene is it? No relation to the emperor, I assume." (Kristoff)

"My name was decided a year or so before princess Nene's name was announced, so... does that answer your question?" (Nene)

This all happened while he was writing a letter on the back of a sign near us, which he finished, handed to me, and wished me luck. I took it, thanked him again, and ran for the guild, leaving Kristoff's jaw to drop to the floor due to my speed.

Standing in front of the guild building, I felt a sense of nostalgia, as it looked just like the guild buildings from the game.

"Well, time to endure the people trying to talk me out of it and register. Shouldn't be that hard, right?" (Nene)

Someone passing by overheard me mutter that, chuckled, and said that I'd have better luck trying to go to a bar for a beer (as the minimum age for alcohol is 13)

I ignored him and pulled open the door... or I tried, as I couldn't reach the handle... yeah, there's another flaw in my plan. I solved it with a bit of magic, creating a stool from earth next to the doorway for me to stand on as I opened the door. After I hopped off, I made the stool go back into the ground and walked into the building. Instantly, all conversation stopped, everyone looked at me, and then no less than six people (four of whom were in a party based on the matching outfits) got up to dissuade me from being in the guild.

"Hey brat, this ain't a toy store, this is the adventurer's guild. I think you want to leave" (Adventurer A)

"No, I know it's the adventurer's guild, that's why I'm here. I came to register" (Nene)

The room erupted into laughter, and the other adventurer who wasn't in that party of four picked me up to toss me outside.

"I'd suggest you put me down right now, if you don't want to puke up the food you just ate when I sink a punch into your stomach" (Nene)

"Oh, I'll put you down nice and gentle like... put you down outside of the guild, where you belong, that is" (Adventurer B)

"Don't say I didn't warn you..." (Nene)

I used wind magic to push myself up and out of his grasp, did a backflip in mid air, landed on my feet, and landed a (relatively) light punch square into his stomach... causing him to puke up the food he just ate as he fell to the floor.

"What the hell was that just now?" (Half the people in the guild)

"Anyone else?" (Nene)

"Look, you seem to be quick to resort to violence, and that's something that is not good for the image of us adventurers. As -" (Party member A)

"I'd like to point out that he was the adult adventurer who escalated it from a peaceful discussion to something violent by going for the forceful option without trying to talk to me, and I was the civilian child who defended myself. I'll admit, I wouldn't have been one much longer had he and the other guy not gotten in my way when I was trying to register, but as it stands now, I am one. What does that say about the image of adventurers?" (Nene)

"It says there's a hotheaded E rank who needs to learn not to be so quick to resort to force, and that there's someone who is still a child who may have some degree of strength, but is also hotheaded and so she needs to learn not to resort to violence too" (Party member B)

"I think it says there's a hotheaded E rank who needs to learn not to be so quick to resort to force, and that there's a child who has some degree of strength, but is willing to use force to escape from attackers... kinda like an adventurer is supposed to do, right?" (Nene)

"I still say that you don't have the right temperament to be an adventurer, and I say you are young enough that you almost certainly don't have the needed strength, speed, skill, and endurance to function as an adventurer. Actually, you used magic, so I guess that it's also that you won't have much mana, and so can't use magic to take down more than a couple of Goblins before running out" (Party member B)

"How much do you want to bet on that? I see you don't carry a weapon, so I am guessing that you are a mage. If I can beat you in a battle of magic, will you acknowledge my abilities as sufficient to be an adventurer?" (Nene)

"I'm not a mage, I'm a brawler, so I fight with my punches and kicks. That guy is our party's mage" (Party member B)

"Well, that's fine. I tend to fight weaklings that aren't worth wasting mana on as a brawler, so if I can beat you in a hand to hand fight, will you acknowledge my skills as sufficient to be an adventurer? I'll still beat your mage in a battle of mages, don't worry. If you want to make the condition be that I have to beat both of you, I'd be fine with that" (Nene)

"I'll accept that, if Douglas will accept the magical battle" (Party member B)

"I guess I'll be fine with that, since I won't have to fight, as Logan will beat you first... Seriously girl, what are you thinking? We're a party of B rank adventurers, and Logan is an A rank. There's no way for you to win against us using our specialties" (Party member C, AKA Douglas)

"B and A ranks? Sweet, if I can beat you, I can probably skip the requirements of having to beat a Goblin and a Wolf, as well as beat or escape an Orc. Five Wyverns with two stones and all that... well, two adventurers, one Goblin, one Wolf, and one Orc with one punch and one spell, I guess" (Nene)

"You act confident, but I can tell you are shaking with fear at the thought of fighting them" (Party member D)

"No, I'm quivering with excitement, I haven't had a good fight in a long time... I just hope you can last long enough for me to feel satisfied. The last time I felt this excited was when I was facing a pair of Tiger Wolves. Sadly, they were made into so much fur-filled meat chunks by my magic... I kinda got too lost in the thrill of the fight. That was a while ago, I'm more in control now, so don't worry. Besides, even if I do hurt you badly, I'll just heal you. I'm good at that... like, able to regrow destroyed limbs and organs levels of good" (Nene)

"Well, if you are done talking, could you let me pass?" (Adventurer C)

"If you are done talking, could you move to the sparring grounds in the back before you fight?" (Receptionist)