Dragon-chan, a Goblin, and a house of Dragons

AN: Inb4 Kumanano (the author of KKKBear) has Yuna make a public library of her own around chapter 500 or something like that... What would that be named, anyways? Bear-san's Books?


The next day, I left the capital with Cliff, Noa, Karin, Morin, and Cliff's normal guards, heading for Crimonia. Noa and I were flying on Rubel's back (with him only at the size of a small Wyvern) above the carriage Cliff and the two bakers were in, and chatting. When Noa said she missed being able to talk with the other girls she could on the way to the capital, I used magic to pop back to Gran's place in the capital to give Misa a set of magic stones, one as an emergency stone when she needed my help, and four that let her talk with each of Noa, Yuna, Fina, and me, a gift which I gave to Noa as well, as I would to Yuna and Fina when we next met. With that, we could have one more person to talk to. When Noa and Misa were talking on their own, I used mine to talk to Douglas, telling him about what I'd done since we last spoke, such as finding Yuna, meeting the King, winning the tournament, and more. He laughed too much when I told him about all of the various handicaps I put on myself, and how I beat everyone at their own specialties, like I did when I first met him. I asked if he wanted to join Noa and me as we flew above the forest, but...

"Sorry, I'd rather not be in the middle of things when adventurers are trying to bring your ride down. Once you have some time to have me meet Yuna, I'd love to come over. As it is, I'm having fun in Regulus" (Douglas)

Sure enough, as we got close to Crimonia, we met with a group of adventurers who were about to attack when they noticed that Rubel was above an extravagant carriage and yet not attacking, and the ones driving it were not looking panicked about having a Wyvern-sized Dragon following them. When they learned that it was Cliff in it, and Rubel landed, giving them a good view of Noa and me on his back, they looked relieved that they didn't have to fight a Dragon. I asked to have my name not come up, went to meet Yuna at Cliff's place, at which point we went to the adventurer's guild to get the template encounter over with. I asked Yuna to wait outside for a little bit, but... Something else came up that threw that plan out the window. There was only one adventurer and one receptionist, but...

"Oi, what do we have here? A lost little girl? It looks like you wandered into the wrong building. This here is the adventurer's guild. Don't try to register, you're too young, and you'd just drag the quality of us adventurers down if you did manage to do so" (Template idiot)

"I think you misunderstood something, Goblin... I mean, Deborane. See, Nene isn't trying to register, she's here to report the completion of her quest to escort Cliff and Noire back from the capital. She's already a D rank, and much stronger than you will ever be" (Yuna)

"Oh, a quest for escorting nobles, I see... Yeah right. And you say she's D rank and stronger than I'll ever be? Really... what do you have to base that statement off of?" (Deborane)

"Well, for one thing, I have this letter from the King to give the guildmaster, as well as my D rank guild card. For another, I have the backing of the aforementioned King, as evidenced by a title and a seal on the aforementioned guild card" (Nene)

"Huh? Give me that" (Deborane)

After he so rudely grabbed the letter and my guild card, he decided that both had to be fake, as there's no way a girl of only 12 years old could be an adventurer, let alone one important enough to be entrusted with a letter by the King. As he thought they were fake, he tried to destroy both of them, so I cut his hand off with my claws, grabbed the card and the letter back, and then healed his hand with an S ranked spell.

"I'd like to remind you that destroying guild property, such as guild cards, without authorization is punishable by a permanent loss of your ability to be an adventurer, and that trying to destroy royal property and/or interfere with a delivery as requested by the King is an offence punishable by life as a criminal slave or death" (Nene)

"Bitch! Who do you think I am?! Who do you think you are?!" (as Yuna called him, Goblin)

The temperature seemed to drop to below freezing as my gaze turned icy, and the receptionist ran into the back, probably to talk to the guildmaster.

"Who do I think you are? I think you are someone who needs to relearn how to act towards one's betters from the ground up. Who do I think I am? I am Nene Drachen, Empress of the Drachen Empire. Meet some of my summons, Lapis and Rubel. Gold-bordered Blue and Gold-bordered Red Dragons, which you would call God Dragons. Also meet myself, a part-Dragon with Gold-bordered Purple scales. I am also an S ranked adventurer, and I have been for five years now, and I am the winner of the most recent Erufanica's Master of Combat tournament. Incidentally, I'm also good friends with Yuna, as well as Cliff, Eleanora, their daughters Noire and Shia, the King, and even princess Flora, to name a few. I'll also be living in this town for the foreseeable future, so try not to piss me off too much. I healed you after I made use of the authority the King gave to me to protect his property, but don't expect that that was free. The cost is to be repaid later... but, if you leave me alone for the rest of my life, and avoid making any trouble with any new or prospective adventurers for as long as you live, I will count that as payment in full. I'll ask the guildmaster to put a note on your card stating that, the first time you make trouble like that, in any town or city, you will have the amount that it would normally cost to have a hand reattached transferred to my guild card from yours, and you would have to repay it with, say, 75% of all that you earn, until it's paid off, if the amount you already had was not enough. It was somewhat standard practice in the Empire, so..." (Nene)

"That sounds like a wonderful idea. Deborane? Come here for a minute, and I'll add that note right now. However... you could always decide to never be able to enter an adventurer's guild building, if you so chose. That is a standard punishment for those who've tried to destroy guild property, and it's far less than what you'd get if Nene or I told the King or Sanya, the capital's guildmaster, what you tried to do to his letter" (Guildmaster)

Once that goblin was dealt with, and I had handed the letter and the proof of completion of my escort request to the guildmaster, I was ranked up to C rank, and given the ability to selectively show parts of my card normally hidden to ordinary people at will. I then went with Yuna to the commerce guild to buy property to build my house on. Sure enough, I was told that I couldn't afford any of the land, but... I pulled out enough money to buy every property that was for sale in the entire city. Incidentally, I had Lapis curled up in the hood of my cloak, and my cloak itself opened, showing off my scales.

"So... How much for a large piece of land with nothing on it about a two to five minute walk from the orphanage?" (Nene)

"Uh... does this one look good?" (Receptionist named Mylene)

"Hm... How about that, the two next to it, and the three behind them? Oh, and this one here as well" (Nene)

"OK, that will be... this much?" (Mylene)

"Sounds good" (Nene)

"Do you need me to introduce you to a carpenter or anything like that? There aren't any buildings on any of those plots, and -" (Mylene)

"Don't worry, I have my own methods of building a house. I even have some helpers, if needed. If you, or anyone else, want to watch parts of it, I'd be fine with that... unless they are named Gob- er, Deborane" (Nene)

"Sure. I'll be getting off of work in an hour, so I'll be there then. It sounds like it might be quite interesting to watch. Maybe you'll be doing most of it with magic?" (Mylene)

"Yep. Magic, some of my summons, and some materials I got from Wyverns, Hydras, and so on" (Nene)

I spent some time getting there while talking with Yuna, and then I started by making some three meter high walls around the group of six plots from Earth and Ice magic, where the Earth made REALLY sturdy walls with decorative scale patterns on the earth itself, and gaps that looked like Dragons of various shapes, sizes, poses, even showing the Dragon's Breath, and I used an S ranked spell known as {Everlasting Ice}, which made some ice that is crystal clear, never melting, and cool to the touch, not cold, to fill in the decorative gaps. I made a gate from the claws and fangs of Dragons and sub-Dragons I had lying around, alongside some metal and the same ice, and then Mylene showed up.

"What the... In just an hour? You made all of this in just an hour? You may actually be able to make your own house in just a few days. So? Where are these helpers of yours? I'd love to meet them" (Mylene)

"Well, one of them is curled up in my hood, and I have a few dozen more just like her" (Nene)

"Huh? I... is that a miniature Dragon? A Blue Dragon, actually" (Mylene)

"Gold-bordered Blue, to be exact" (Nene)

"Well... Looks like you have some crazy high tier Dragons the size of house cats, but I don't see how those can help with building a house..." (Mylene)

"I mean, they can grow to full size, and they can help carry heavy things, hold things still, and lift them high into the air. They can also help with welding and such. Besides, what I'm planning to do with this land is to build a house for not only myself, but also some for some of my summoned Dragons, such as Lapis here" (Nene)

"I guess I should stop being surprised by anything when it comes to you from now on... And the other plot of land? What's that for?" (Mylene)

"I plan to open a shop at some point relatively soon" (Nene)

"Won't that compete with Yuna's shop? It'll be -" (Mylene)

"It will compete, but, it will also be different. I'll have it have more things for breakfast or snacks, and have an area where food is not allowed, which would be a library. I already have several hundred books, and they are enchanted with magic to protect them from wear and tear. I can do the same to other books too, and I think that this will raise the literacy rates in this city. I'll also have my Dragons help me with cooking, raising and controlling my livestock, mostly chickens... Err, you call them cluckers, I think" (Nene)

"I'm sorry... I can't stop laughing... just because... Dragons... raising cluckers... I think that people would pay more to see that than they would to eat the food that you'd be selling..." (Mylene)

"Oh, I plan to let people watch that routine if they pay to do so. Same for watching them cook, on some days. I'll also be employing some of the children from the orphanage, if they want to work for me" (Nene)

"Wow... You may well end up being commerce rank E before Yuna, if you get your shop up soon. By the way, your shop-to-be's plot is five over from her shop, if you were wondering" (Mylene)

"Well, I think that it'll take a few weeks before I have hired all of the people I need, and have trained them and my Dragons enough to open for business... just... how much of the staff can be made up of dragons? I'll have to think about that one... they can understand anyone's words, they can do some cooking, I'd have to see just how much they can do, they can raise chickens, and even crops, probably. They might not be able to make transactions with the guild, nor buy ingredients, and probably can't... no, they probably could work as librarians too, and there's the fact that Dragons are just about the most effective crime deterrents one could find" (Nene)

"A workforce who nobody would think of trying to use... an untapped market... this city might end up MUCH better off now that you and your Dragons are here. People will have to get used to having food raised and cooked by Dragons... do you plan to have the Dragons serve it too? Working reception?" (Mylene)

Just like that, Mylene started to write a list of all of the people she knew who might want to work for me and would be useful to me, and people were also gathering and looking at the wall that appeared out of nowhere. I then went inside the wall, leaving the gate open, and then I started to take out logs, metal, and other things from my Hoard, and had four Dragons, Lapis, Rubel, Opal, a Gold-bordered White Dragon, and Peri (Peridot), a Gold-bordered Green Dragon, all grow to about half the size of a small house, where they then helped me to construct a simple but spacious house by one of the walls, and then some much larger buildings with large openings at odd heights in the walls, said buildings being for some Dragons to live in. After four hours or so, we finished the last of the buildings, a large chicken coop, and the Dragons came over to me, whereupon I patted their heads, fed them with about a dozen whole Orcs and a few dozen Goblins (save for the magic stones from both the Orcs and the Goblins), and they then flew into their roosts, save for Rubel, who just shank and curled up inside of my hood. At that, the people who were watching applauded like crazy, and I looked at them, bowed, and sent a few more Dragons to roost as I did so again.

Over the next week, I did a similar process, albeit much slower and more detailed, to the other plot of land, in other words, having the Dragons help me in making a large three-story shop shaped like a Dragon sitting down, wings and tail wrapping around the front paws, the front doors (made of sub-Dragon fangs and claws as well as {Everlasting Ice}) being placed in the outside edge of its tail, balconies being on two levels of its back, and a rooftop area on its head. Some scales were replaced with {Everlasting Ice} windows, as were the eyes. The mouth was made to be open, fangs visible but not really bared, and the rest of the gap was filled with {Everlasting Ice} as well, to make an area closed off, but with an incredible view. With all of that, the shop had enough room to have well over three hundred customers at any given time, and the area under the wings could allow for more people to wait, even in the rain. There was an entrance in the back of the tail for the staff to enter, and the kitchen was there as well. As I was building it, people were watching me work, and the crowd grew to well over a hundred people by the third day. I didn't charge them for it, as they could just watch from anywhere else in the area for free, and it didn't seem right to charge them for it anyways. It's good publicity, after all. Once I finished building it, I spent a few more days and built another Dragon, curled up, right next to the sitting one, where I would have the library. It would have a small fee to use for a day, or a larger fee to get a free pass for a month. Then, I started to look for people to help me with the shop and the library. I didn't forget to put a large sign up with the name that was both the name of the shop and the name of the library: the Dragon's Roost, and the logo of the shop, which is a pair of Dragons curled up around a book, some meat, and a steaming bowl.