
At the same time in the cave. Winston and Anthny was going back to the prison since everything was cleaned up by the vampires.

But when they where about to enter the cave where the prison was located Winstonwas curious what is in the third cave so he wanted to go there.

"You guys go back." He said to the ordinary vampires and he then turned his gaze to Anthony. "Follow me"

Even though they felt quite curious on why Winston would bring Anthony, they still have to obey the order. So they went back to the cave.

When Winston saw that they have got back he stared at Anthony first for a good 1 minute before he eventually told him the goblins that they have encountered.

When Anthony heard the full story he began to frown and in his there was a faint eyes disdain and disgust.

Winston did not notice Anthony's eyes because he was berry emersed in his story telling. When Winston was done he check the expression and he was shocked to see a disdain and disgusted expression in his eyes and face.

"You did what is right Your Majesty. Those little pricks are just lowly creatures. To dare to try triving in this our cave is their worst decision. "He disdainfully sneered. "They also are small, so they where low creatures. Haha those little green skin Bastards dare to inhabit this place, Hmp!" He snorted.

Winston was suddenly enlightened. 'To think that he is not mocking me but those green creatures. This is the literal 'Racism'. ' He inwardly thought.

"Ahaha your right. "

They started to walk to the 3rd hole.

"So Anthony tell me what is the tatse of blood?" Winston asked.

"Your Majesty, I think blood is a wonderful drink." Anthny said with shining eyes.

"Then what does it feel to be the last pure blood in your kind?" Winston was thinking of freeing them since they where the last of their kind. He felt pity to this vampires.

"I'm happy but also sad. I read a book on the prison saying my kind can produce a god every 4 millennium." There was sadness on his eyes when he recalled the book that he have read on the prison when he was freed by Winston and Lich.

It was like a history book of vampires. It was also very detailed. The book says that a vampires lifespan can be 10 thousand years to 15 thousand years. If a vampire is already 500 years old they can now be called a young man. Anthony who was chained in here that time is slowed down for at least 9 times. So his real age is at least 2 thousand years old. Which can be called a middle aged man for them.

When a vampire is already at the age of 8 thousand years old he or she would be acknowledge as an elder of their kind.

If a elder vampire died because they have already exhausted their life span. Their bones would be turn into a legendary weapon or a divine artifact. If the elder vampire is have died exceeding 11 thousand they can be make as divine weapons by Vampire blacksmiths. The principle is really not that complicated.

The more the bones are old the more high grade weapon can you make. The more it the old bone is old the tougher it is to be made as a weapon.

Vampire weapons can also be made by the bones of tougher creatures like a Dragon bone, Roc bones, Gigantic Hercules beetle bones. Especially the Dragon bones can make the weapon more high grade. Hercules beetle bones can make the process faster. While the roc bones can make the success rate go higher.

The book also had the culture of Vampires like when a royalty was born, or a vampire ascends to godhood. If the vampire ascends to godhood they will not die because of their life span was exhausted.

The book also have writings of vampire spells like:

[Mind control] (D grade)

description: the caster can control the mind of the person. If the user cast it to a 2 levels below the user they would be controlled for 10 minutes. If the user cast it to the same level the enemy will be controlled for 10 seconds. If you cast it to a higher level ones they would be controlled for just 1 to 4 seconds (depends on the level). (Creator: Malvis de bitch)

[Life steal] (C grade)

description: When user cast it to his weapon or himself he could steal some life when he injure his opponent.]

[Blood sword](E grade)

description: When user cast this spell he can summon a blood sword with his own blood.(accessible only to vampires)


While Anthony keeps blabbering his mouth in his excitement, Winston was also eagerly listening to him.

He also dream about being invincible who will save a damsel in destress and become the greatest hero in his dream. So in this 'dream' which is not really a dream he wanted to become the most revered and famous hot, super handsome emperor that have the 3 thousand beautys surrounding him. And he can make the world tremble when his name was said. And when he die he would be burried in his most luxurious tomb were golds and shit like that where buried with him.

He have the most classical shit dream. He still did not know that this is real and not a dream.

When Anthony was finish blabbering, they found themselves in a opening of a huge cave.

'Whoa, fucking hell can't anyone from that ancient kingdom of I don't know and I really don't care name always make small ones so my adventure would be awesome.' He cursed inwardly. ' Or at least can't there be any treasure except rusty fucking swords and shit.'

Then he saw Anthony staring blankly at the ceiling so he too stared and was surprised to see nothing but darkness. So he pick up a lighting stone and throw it upwards and he saw a skeleton that was hang in mid air by the like chains that chained Anthony and the vampires.

The skeleton was pierced by many spears. Like a porcupine.

'The Fuck is wrong with human civilization in ancient Times. Why are they so unethical and brutal. Can't they make most of their tortures or traps not arrows or spear. Even a huge stone will do. So idiots.' He inwardly thought. He turned around and he saw that Anthony have already walk towards the center where the direction in which Anthony was heading to.


"Fuck You!!" He shouted. He was clearly surprised. He cursed when he is surprise. Just like when he was surprise on his 13 birthday he said Fuck Your grandma to them when they said happy birthday to him.

Anthony also heard him cursing so also turned around and saw that he was stepping on a skeleton. He felt it kinda funny. ' Hehe even though his majesty sometimes is showing calm expression he was still a afraid of the unknown. '