Fighting A Grandmaster Monkey Part (3) [Two chapters in 1]

"Ahhh fuck this! Com on let's last hit some." He a los came out of the hiding and he immediately aided a vampire who was facing 2 monkeys.

"Doppelganger! !"

Winston then saw a lifelike him on his back using also a rusty weapon. He immediately got intrigue so he circled the doppelganger who just look at him.

It was like he was just watching himself on a 3d mirror. " Wow what the kinda shit does this dream have?"

As he was inspecting the doppelganger, a monkey got out of the incirclement and tried to attack him since they found out that he was a lower level one than them.

So when the black cave monkey thought that Winston was just an easy prey. But he never thought that he would see two Winstons Standing there.

So the monkey immediately froze on its tracks and as he absentmindedly gaze at the two Winstons. It didn't know who would it kill first since there were two identical Winstons on its opposite direction. But it just thought that since they were identical he would just kill them all.

But then again stop its tracks and just absentmindedly stare at them for about 1 minute because he saw them staring at him at the same time. This gave Lich the opportunity to sneak attack the dazed monkey.

While Lich was the most low leveled on in their troupe he was still op. He was hiding on a huge boulder and waiting for an opportunity to deal a sneak attack using its all skills.

Just as the monkey scratch its head in confusion A humming song was heard not far away from the monkey who was in daze.

" Die! " Winston shouted while he charged towards the dazed monkey. Lich also summoned there skeletons to assist them.

The doppelganger also did what Winston was doing slashing the monkey.

Although its attack was just 10% from the original since the doppelganger skill was still lvl 1 but it still do minimal damage. Winston creep immediately at the dazed monkey's back and then used his skill Death punch hitting its back, because of the power the monkey was pushed backwards heading towards the direction of Winston's doppelganger. The doppelganger also did what Winston do. The doppelganger also used Death Punch on the monkey. The did it as long as the cool down of the skill was done. The skeletons were also attacking the monkey by punching, bashing, or slashing it making minimal damage and scratches. While Loch was also casting skills like Death Song.

When the monkey snapped out of its daze it was immediately furious. It roared loudly while counterattacking Winston and the skeletons. In just 10 swings of its bonny hands it killed all the skeletons.

" What the Fuck! This assholes was just staring at me like an idiot ... and now it was attacking, what a prick!" He still could while he was being relentlessly attack by the monkey.

Then Lich used devour which literally just took 1 health points of the black cave monkey.

It did not take too long his doppelganger also died with five consecutive hits of the black cave monkey. " Damn my stats gone down by one point! What the Fuck!!" He immediately cussed when he saw hist strength agility will and intelligence being minus by 1 point.

" God damn! I should really not use this one when fighting or else the consequence is unbearable. Looks like this skill also have its ups and downs. "

Then when he turned around to look for help since his Hp was already one fourth left from the full bar. He saw a Vampire who doesn't fight anymore since it looks like he just killed a monkey.

"Hey Hey Hey!!" He shouted at the top of his lungs to the vampire who absentmindedly staring at the monkey corps.

" Hm..." As the vampire turned around, he saw Winston furiously shouting towards his direction. " Ah... Hi" The vampire said awkwardly to Winston who was now mouth agape.

' The Fuck! ' Winston cursed immediately on his heart.

" Could you fucking help!!" Winstom furiously bellowed as he dodge all the swift attacks of the black cave monkey.

" Ahh!! ... Yes sire, how can I help you mister?" The vampire first was awkward then he contemplated for a while before he answered, the more he answed the more domfounded Winston was.

" Help Me GOD DAMN IT!!!" Winston this time really felt puking all of his blood in frustration. He really couldn't take bit any longer he really felt spitting blood.on the floor. This vampire just watch him while he was dodging the attacks of the monkey who looks like in a frenzy mode.

" Ohhhhhhhhh ... ok" The vampire immediately dashed towards the direction of the fight and using his sword he immediately parried the Incoming attack of the monkey like a piece of cake.

Leaving the again dumbfounded Winston and Lich. ' To think that he was useless and Iresponsible and really the first idiot I've ever seen in my life but he is a good fighter.'

It did not take too long, the monkey was slashed to death by the vampire.

The vampire then turned toward the shocked Duo and said while hole heartedly smiling: " Hi my name is Jerry ... what's yours."

" Oh my name is Winston while this is Lich! " He forgot that this bastard was the one who almost put his death to stone. But then again he remembered it.

He really wanted to scold the vampire but upon seeing that naive looking face he felt frustrated.

*** Meanwhile ***

Andre and the other nobles were fighting the grand and the other elites. " Kill this shit nuggets and get revenge for our Highness Anthony! "

" Dude Our Highness did not die!" Andre angrily shouted to the one substituted that!

" Ahh?! ... then doesn't that mean that we were fighting here like bunch of retards?" The noble vampire was still confuse of the chain of events.

" For His Highness sakes... were not going yo quarrel with you!!" Clara could not take it anymore. She felt that this idiot really wanted to curse Anthony to die.

" God! Help us here you dumb wits!" Another one said as he parried the attacks of an elite black cave monkey.

While Anthony and the Black cave grandmaster was having q massive fights were debris were flying out and scattering on the bare floor of the cave.

As they were trading blows Andre was basically on the disadvantage since the monkey grandmaster was three levels higher than him. But thanks to their superior number he could last longer and dealing damages to the monkey.

He also gave a sneak attack on a monkey master that was busy fighting the other vampires. Because of the monkey was off guard Andre's attack dealt a heavy blow to the monkey. The monkeys fighting style and footwork was immediately disrupted and the vampires immediately attack the monkey killing it with in the span of 11 seconds.

" Help the others so we can immediately take care of this beast." Andre said calmly as he again rush towards the incirclement of where the monkey grandmaster was.

*** Five minutes later ***

Almost all of the elites monkeys were finished and the ordinary ones were almost wiped out while the vampires also took 31 loses and another 17 injured.

While Andre and the other ten nobles were still fighting the monkey grandmaster . Although monkey grandmaster was already in disadvantage since it was overpowered by the number of attacks it receive it still hurt many nobles.

But when Andre saw that the Monkey grandmaster was also still fighting with vigor and its strikes are still full of strength he was immediately alarmed. He knew that they were still not close to their victory.

So he ordered the rest of the ordinary ones to carry the dead and injured and escaped here, because things would be worst if the monkey reinforcements would come.

He then ordered the nobles to try to restrain its movements while he attack it relentlessly. Which the nobles immediately obeyed.

When the monkey grandmaster also saw the determination of Andre to save his comrads it also roared and dash towards Andre. The other nobles also tried intercept it by using their attacks but, the monkey grandmaster didn't try to block the Incoming waves of a track but focused on Andre who was also rushing towards the monkey grandmaster.

The monkey grandmaster immediately swinger it's huge broadsheets towards Andre when their distance became at least 5 meters away from each other.

Andre Made a desperate move by not blocking the incoming attack of the elite grandmaster. Inflicting a fatal attack on the Grandmaster while, the grandmaster's long pole hit him so hard that he flew on to the air like a canon ball, Landing on the walls of the cave spitting mouthful of fresh blood in the process.

"Go!"He forcefully said and he again spits a mouthful of blood. He then forcefully stand up and he pick up his sword, and again charge to the grandmaster monkey who was also charging towards him.

Although he lack combat experience since he was chained for god knows how many years, he still believe in his supernatural instinct. And also the Monkey does not have any combat experience, si they were like two high schoolers brawling around fist to fist but they were different since they have what you called a cold weapon.

" Go!! Ill cover your retreat!" Andre shouted as he saw that they were staring at him like idiots.

" Move!!" Winston commanded as he stared with admiration towards Andre.

"But..." They all said simultaneously.

" Do you want to make his efforts in vain!!"

" Move!!"

( I'm soo sorry guys that I forgot to release chapters lastnight. I was so exhausted that I immediately fall asleep.)