
Level 5: White Chicken - is one of the most common beast roaming around and within the lost forest

They can't use spells but they can use one skill which is rapid pecking, which will peck

their enemy 3 times in a span of 1 second.

Level 20: White Crimson Cochin Level 20 – They have crimson wattle and comb. Their eyes are like rubies. They are also known to be territorial, they are the stronger form of the common white chicken or the level 5 chicken. This chicken has 120% affinity in fire. The chicken has three commonly known abilities :

Comb spiral - mastery A, Fire base, Temperature 100° , ball diameter 12 inches

It allows to concentrate heat to his comb and ball of fire is generated in front of it.

Once the fire ball is generated it will scream towards the ball which will

Make the ball accelerate toward the object of intention.

Chicken Scream – mastery A, non elemental, paralyzed chance 30%, duration 12 seconds

It can be used to paralyze the enemy with fear or use as a support to

the comb spiral ability.

Flaming Feather Flutters: mastery B, Fire based, Temperature 80° C, Feather quantity 19,

Explosive power/diameter: 7 centimeters upon impact.

The bird will flutter its wings and a number of feathers will be release towards

The direction which the bird flutter may cause burn and explosives upon

Impact to any surface area.