Chapter 12: Dont shame us

I just could not explain how much happy I was. 'knock! knock' nanny's voice followed, "can you please come down for dinner dear ". "Ok am coming. " If I had any other choice then I could not attend the so-called family dinner since I was nothing but someone whom they had given shelter in their eyes.

I went down for dinner, greeted them even though I knew for sure no one was going to reply, took my seat served myself, and dug into my food. "Here have more of this it is very good for you oooh your so skinny weren't you feeding on anything there, "my grandmother said passing me a bowl of vegetables. I was soo specified on her kind gesture that I just didn't realize my mouth was wide open.

"mmm mmm!!! can you please close your mouth we are eating you see, where are your manners?" Yang Shuo said. "Keep your mouth shut if you have nothing important to say she is still the eldest among us," Yang Luo said standing from his chair and going into his room.

"My dear Jie, don't mind him he doesn't know what he is saying, eeeeh my little girl do you by any chance have a relationship with one of Wen's sons? you don't have to be shy you are of the age of course it is normal, isn't it? " my grandfather asked staring deep into my eyes as if searching for something. This family of mine was something else. "We also heard that he came with a job opportunity for you am I right, "

"No grandfather his assistant said that so that I could agree to meet him and we also don't have any kind of relationship between us, we only met once"my answer flared my father's anger even more.

"What the hell are you talking about, ok let's accept that he didn't offer you any job but what about the bracelet you wearing and what about this letter and this card mmmh? will someone write these words to a mere friend, the richest young heir of the biggest company in the whole continent send his assistant to you a mere nobody? explain!!! "

This was it soo all the pampering was a Sherraden to hide their devious plans. Wanting to use me for their benefits, going into my staff and getting my letter this was it!

"Now you all listen to me! Wen Lin is just my friend, we only met once, and yes I do have some feelings for him and what he wrote I don't know for sure if he has the same feelings toward me or if he is just doing it for friendships purpose, another thing I didn't even know he is the heir of the Wen family, and am not going to let you people use me for your benefits." I stated loud and clear.

"Now let me tell you, go inside your room take your belongings, and leave my house this instant don't shame us on our own house, and I want you to leave before the guests arrive for your brothers' banquet!!! from now on you are no longer part of our family understood! " my father thundered kicking his chair while going to his room red in anger.