Chapter 10: So what if your back

After serving myself, I dug into my food without looking at anyone. Yang Shao could not stop blabbering about what he wanted his party to be like. Yang Shao was only two years younger than Yiang Luo. They looked so much alike that you would mistake them for twins and when they stood with my father you would mistake them for siblings and not a father-to-son pair.

Yang Shao was a show-off, spendthrift and annoying and cared about his looks while Yiang Luo was the exact opposite, always quiet and okay with anything and did not do much picking, unlike the little one.

As I was lost in my thoughts, I simply forgot I was holding a fork. Thus it slipped out of my hands and fell. It made an annoying sound that caught the attention of everyone. I could feel their chilling gazes without having to look at them. 'well at least you noticed my presence' I thought to myself.

"What is wrong with you? Even after five years abroad you still have learned nothing about manners have you? Still the same filthy little girl from the slums" my grandmother bellowed. She used to talk about my mother in the same way. However, I guess by giving her two heirs and helping dad handle the family business, she earned her right as Mrs. I will forever remain a bast***d born out of wedlock. Well, I was already used to her taunts by knowing 'she will never change will she?' I couldn't stop

"Well, at least you noticed I was back!" I thought aloud. 'Oh my goodness, what have I done?' I thought aloud making my words heard loud and clear. I knew I was in deep trouble the moment I saw my father's glare.

"So what if you are back?" Should we kiss your feet and worship you? We already did you a big favor by taking you to the most prestigious university so please spare us and go look for something useful to do with yourself or go back to that dirty village of yours " my grandfather roared with clear anger in his eyes. The old man started having problems breathing and waving his hand as if to send me away. I was lost before I was awoken by my mother's angry voice, "what are you still standing there for? Do you want to kill him? Get back to your room and do not come out unless summoned! "

This was the biggest blow for me. I ran into my room with tears trickling down my cheeks like a river. Banging the door behind me, I threw myself onto the bed, holding onto a photo I had taken with my mother 20 years ago. I do not know how much I had been crying but I was stopped after hearing a knock on my door.

"Young miss please come out, there is someone here who is requesting your presence, "nanny Lin Lan called out. I could meet anyone in this state of mind, and who would be more likely to inflict more pain on me? No, I could not take the bait

"Please I don't want to meet anyone," I thought that would discourage Nanny, but she kept talking. "Please Little Jie come out. He says he has something relevant, something about a good job opportunity."

'I didn't remember applying for any job right why are they all tempting my soul, but on second thought it wouldn't kill to take a look right?

"Tell that person I will be there in a few minutes" after giving my reply I stepped into the bathroom to freshen up, coming out of the bathroom into the dresser and looking at the window I then realized the sun was already shining off its golden rays, 'does this mean I cried till dawn '

Looking at my appearance in the mirror, it doesn't look good! Not good!' My face was all red and swollen from crying. I applied some cream and concealer to hide the red patcheDressed in a white T-shirt and skinny jeans, I tied my hair in a ponytail and was ready to meet my unknown guest.