

Right away I run to wake mum. I sit at the foot of her bed and try not to hyperventilate as I go over every detail of the vision I can remember. It's so little, really, just the fire, the boy.

"Too much at once would be overwhelming," she says. "That's why it well come to you in pieces."

"Is that how it was when you received your purpose? That's how it is for most of us, she says, neatly dodging my question.

She won't tell me about her purpose. It's one of those off-limits topics. This bugs me because we're close, we've always been close, but there's this big part of her that she refuses to share.

"Tell me about the trees in your vision," she says. "What did they look like?"

"Pine, I think. Needles, not leaves." She nods thoughtfully, like this is an important clue. But me, I'm not thinking about the trees. I'm thinking about the boy. "I wish I could have seen his face."

"You will". "I wonder if I'm supposed to protect him". I like the idea of being his rescuer. All angel-bloods have purposes of different types.. some are messengers, some witnesses, some meant to comfort, some just doing things that cause things to happen... but guardian has a nice ring to it. It feels particularly angelic.