4) Founder


Leader got a phone call. He answered the phone with hands trembling.

"Yes boss?" Leader answered

"9th how is the task??" sharp voice came from the phone

"boss this.." Leader panicked.

"what?" other person is impatient

"boss.. he excaped" Leader finally told

"what ?? how could this happen? You fools>>>> can't even manage this.... truly Useless" other person is angry

"boss I had everything in control but…" Leader panicked what to . it's die at any cost.

"what?" other person spoke angrily

"boss some child came and rescued him away" Leader told lightly

"what???? You fool>> who is that kid??" other person asked angrily

"I don't know" Leader spoke lightly

"then does he know about that??" other person asked angrily

" I think no boss" Leader spoke slowly

"good.. are there lackeys with you??" other person asked angrily

"yes" leader spoke

"ok! Clear them and meet me afterwards and also find that kid and finish the business" other person spoke

"But.. boss? Boss?" phone got disconnected

"boss what did the super boss told" 5 lackeys asked impatiently. Cold sweat was on their face.

"it's fine" Leader spoke.

5 bodies fell down and Leader went away in his car


Taxi which 'Yang Tie' had boarded with the old man finally came towards the 'Swad Restaurant' where 'Yang Tie' worked. And he got off there. he didn't want to have unnecessary trouble. He had already offended that gangster so he wanted to have low profile for now.

Just as he got down , old man got out.

"young man" old man called "Yang Tie'

"yes old man" "Yang Tie' spoke confusedly. He didn't understand what the old man wanted to speak. Probably thank you.

"don't call me old man. my name Song Yan. Called me grandpa 'Yan' if you like" old man 'Yan ' spoke.

"ok 'Grandpa Song'" "Yang Tie' replied

"what is your name kid?" old man 'Yan' asked.

"Ehh! My name is "Yang Tie'" he replied.

""Yang Tie' nice name. what do you do 'Yang' " old man 'Yan' asked out of curiosity.

" I have high school freshmen opening in nearly 3 months" "Yang Tie' replied.

"where ?" old man 'Yan' asked.

"it's at XX XX ""Yang Tie' replied.

"good . 'thank you kid'. You have really helped me.i cannot tell you why but you have a great merit to the "Song' Family" " old man spoke .

"Ehh! I have not done anything really . it's ok" "Yang Tie' spoke.

Driver of the taxi who had heard this had his jaws dropped. It was the 'Song..Song' family he was thinking. "Yang Tie' had his 'Electric Eyes' closed so he did not saw this.

"kid you have really helped me . if you need any help 'come' to the 'Song Family estate and show this card. I am the 'Butler' of the Song family" Old man 'Yan' gave "Yang Tie' a shining silver card.

Driver's eyes were drooling. It''s it's the… silver card of the 'Yan' family.

"ohh!" "Yang Tie' casually took the card and put in his family.. he is poor orphan so he does not the power distribution and riches of the city.

"ok grandpa about taxi….?" "Yang Tie' was a poor bimbo and he just got a pay check so he was little reluctant.

"ohh1 don't worry I will take care of it" old man 'Yan' spoke.

" really? Thankx! bye "Grandpa" ""Yang Tie' is now happy and went towards his home.

"what a good kid. Let's see what future awaits.. " old man 'Yan' exclaimed.

this is his first time seeing some one so calm when They heard 'Song Family'.

He got into the taxi and went towards…


Inside the taxi somewhere far away

"old man where should we go?" driver asked.

"you already know right? 'Song' estate" old man calmly spoke.

"ok" driver spoke but he was having shivers.

'Song' family one of the 3 mysterious families of the city. Everyone in city knows it. It controls one half of the city. Is more powerful than other two family's. It's power even extends outside the city

No one in the city can dare to afford it. It is also one of the 4 backbone of the city.

It has got a special name. 'Founder'. It is said that it exists from time when the city was first formed. It is really ancient aristocratic family.. it is really.

Except 2 no one in the city dares to go near it. Even this 2 does not have the complete confidence on war against it. Truly a giant

"Yang Tie' has reached his home.

To be continued