13) power lost????

At a certain Place far away…

There is a large villa. A very spatious villa. If front of the villa gate there are 2 ancient mythical beasts ….. statues on left and right. And on top of the villa entrance gate there is written

"Cao" in dazzling golden words.

It is the branch of the 'Dragon City' the sibking city if 'Sea Shine City' overlord 'Cao'. Every top family' s / powers of a city has their branches in the neibhouring city's and they always try to expand their power in that city. And it's same for 'Cao Family' as well. Although they were not overlords of the 'Sea Shine City' they had several branches . and this is one of the branches.

Whole villa is heavily guarded. Usually is same for other family's but for a branch to this much….

Inside the villa there was a room. Outside the room there were guards. And no one is allowed to enter. Even members of the 'Cao' are not allowed to enter.

Inside the room on luxurious sofa… there was a man sitting there. the man had a overbearing of power and dignify…

He was wearing black dress and his face was covered. If you see clearly he was same as earlier person on the screen at ware house.

And there was a person sitting on the right of him in the floor. He was 'Zha Zhan' . after getting caught he was able to excape only due to the person sitting there.

The man on the sofa slightly shifted his head and codly spoke" do you know what you have done??"

"yes! Mylord…" 'Zha Zha' lightly spoke with sweat on his forehead.

"yes! My foot"" it was a golden chance… if you had captured them… then …this 'Song Clan' could have been in my grip…""" for many years they are stopping my advance in the city…." The person on the spoke coldly.

"yes… my lord…" 'Zha Zhan' spoke lightly.

"tell why this happened…" that person asked.

"it's due to that unknown… brat... he…" and 'Zha Zhan' clearly explained.

"ohh! That bra… I will take care of him… due to him your whole gang got annihilated….it is"" also a huge blow to me…" that person coldly spoke.

"than what should I do my lord…" 'Zha Zhan' spoke…

"nothing....for some time move out of city and stay low..... if is not safe here. I will make some arrangements… now move" that person spoke." That person coldly spoke…

"yes!!!" and 'Zha Zhan' went away…

Although 'Zha Zhan' is just a pawn but a useful pawn so he didn't want to lose him yet…

"just you… 'Song'…" he was coldly laughing


To be continued

In the hospital on the 'Icu Ward'

The girls 'Song' and 'lan' were shocked. 'Yang Tie' spoke that he was not pervert. And that startled them…

"ohh! Wait what pervert?" 'Lan' spoke loudly.

"miss you are the one who called me per..ve…rt in the public…" 'Yang Tie' lightly spoke…

"ohh! But you are a pervert…." 'lan' blurted…

"Sis…" 'Song' didn't want 'Lan' to speak like that.

"it's a misunderstanding… I stripped that day" 'Xiao Tian' explained.

"but you liked that sensati…on right…" when 'lan' was speaking her beautiful face became little red.

"yes!!!" he subconsciously blurted….

"you!!" when 'Song' heard this her face became ripe apple red…. Like blood would gush out. And when 'Yang Tie' came to senses his also became bright red…. As a virgin high school freshmen he was still not used to….

"hahha" 'Lan' started laughing…

"Sister…" seeing 'Lan's ' laughing 'Song's' became more embarrassed.

And they both continued talking they became friends. What was astonishing to them was that they were from same high school. He was freshmen and they were Senior.

And 'Yang Tie; was also little shocked. He seems to have heard the name 'Song' somewhere before but could not find the connection….

"Eh!!" suddenly he thought that he had not used his 'Electric Eyes' today… so tried to open them today…

That was his biggest secret… although he didn't know whether it was good or bad he still knew that it was useful. It has saved his life many times now …. So…

Then he activated his power's….. and opened his eyes

" what?!" he was instantly shocked and even the 2 beauties were shocked and spoke in unison and worry "what happen 'Yang Tie'??"

The fact is he had lost his power... his 'Electric Eyes'….

to be continued...