6) Past and The Present- Time to grow up

"what?" the 2 girls were confused. Why would 'Yang Tie' wanted to go home suddenly.

"what happened?" they were trying to find out if something went wrong.

"miss 'Song Ning' and miss 'Lan' I am little tired. i want to rest in my home." 'Yang Tie' spoke.

"why are speaking like that? Did uncle spoke anything bad?" 'Song Ning' spoke worriedly.

"miss 'Song Ning' nothing happened. Due to recent events am a little tired" 'Yang Tie' lightly spoke.

"old 'Yan' can you sent him home?" 'Song Ning' ordered.

"yes!" 'Old Yan' suddenly appeared.

"let's go"old 'Yan' respectfully spoke.


"I will take my leave miss 'Song Ning' and mis 'Lan'"he respectfully replied and left.


After he left

There were a two crystal tears on 'Song Ning's' face.

"is it ok?" 'Lan' asked lightly.

"yes! I am sure we will meet again" 'Song Ning' was little said but spoke firmly.

"this girl! I hope…." 'Lan' helplessly sighed.

"…. Not so!"'


Before leaving 'Yang Tie' turned back once!

"I yang tie will come back" he subconsciously silently muttered.

And they left.

They soon reached the northern western part of the city where 'Yang Tie' leaved.

He got of the car.

"thank you old 'Yan'" 'Yang Tie' respectfully bowed once and started to leave.

"boy!" 'Old Yan' called him once.

'Yang Tie' stopped and turned "what is it old 'Yan'?"

'Old Yan' gave him a old piece of paper.

"boy keep it. Open it when required."" If you truly wish to step into this become stronger" and 'Old Yan' left.

'Yang Tie' stood there silent for few minutes and left.

He reached his home and took a shower and changed into new set of clothes and got layed on the bed.

"phew! What a hectic days" he was very tired these few days recently and got instantly asleep.

He was having deep sleep. And he was dreaming and was very serious sleep.

Recent events were flashing in his dream.

'Accident on that rainy night'.

His admittance at hospital.

'Getting the power of strange 'Electric Eyes; having the power to penetrate vision'

'Meeting Beautiful fairy nurse 'Guan Shen''

'Meeting Arrogant 'Lin Group' something arrogant and cold ice beauty'

'Hugging 'Guan Shen''

'First time fighting in life'

'Saving 'Old Yan'

'Bank Robbery'

'Mistakenly harassing 'Song Ning' and becoming pervert'

'Fighting against the powerful criminal 'Zha Zhan''

'taking bullet's and still surviving from Death Door'

'going to 'song' family'

'insulting a silk pant's young master'

'power of 'Song Meng'

'3 months challenge'

These things were flashing continuously in his dream.

And he slept till next afternoon.

'Sun' was giving shining heat. It was nearly 2pm in the afternoon.

"Yawwn~" 'Yang Tie' got awoke. He brushed and got freshed.

"what a heavy dream"… he had all his recent experiences in his dream.

"'Song Ning', 'Lan', 'Guan Shen', 'Vice President San'" these faces flashed suddenly in his mind.

*paa* he slapped his face once to get awake.

"those 4 are way out of my league and they leave in different word's"

"and I could have almost died last time against that viscious criminal."" And he is still on outrun"" if he catches me??" he shivered thinking this.

"and I have high school in 5 months "" and I need money problem"

"sigh! If only was not orphan"

" if only I was picked that" he had tears in his hears. GOD was unfair to him. In his orphanage only he was unpicked. So he had raise himself by doing part time job for himself. But he also got a advantage. he got mature in some aspect better than other's.

"if only I was rich"

"if only I could get stronger!" he was thinking this but suddenly

*zzzz**zzzz* his 'Electric Eyes' got activated.

"oh! I have these eyes right. I don't know how I got these but they have helped till now!!"" although it was my own recklessness but still they have helped me a lot otherwise I would have not been here" he couldn't imagine what could had happened to him if he did not had those eyes while fighting the criminals .

"I don't know whether these eyes are good or bad but!! They have helped me till now so they may help again in the future"

"I will use this 'Electric Eyes' of mine to get stronger and make money. I will definitely change"" if I can then I will…." While thinking of the latter 'Song Ning' and 'Guan Shen's' face came in his mind.

"this…" his face blushed a little.


"goal1 :- Become Stronger"

"goal2 :- Make Money"

"goal3:- become mature"

"goal4 :- if.. if.. if.."

"decided" he got fixed on 4 goals.

"let's for first goal…" " for that"

"lt's see what you have"

"Electric Eyes"

To be continued