6)Gathering of the riches!, Scrapegoat!!!

Any person who comes to the casino at least gambles with minimum money of 10000-20000$. This was their first time seeing a person like this. they were thoroughly amazed.

"pfft!" everyone started laughing.

But 'Yang Tie' didn't gave a damn about it. He only came here to earn money and he already had his first victory. He had to make some sufficient money so that he can leave out of here. But for some reason his attention is getting broken to another space.

A very beautiful girl has come to sit beside him. She was s gorgeous that he could not take his eyes of her. And a sweet tantalizing smell was effecting his brain nerves.

"is their something on my face?" the gorgeous girl sweetly asked.

"no! nothing!" 'Yang Tie' hastily replied.

"then why are staring at my face?" gorgeous girl asked.

"this… you are very beautiful that I could not take out my eyes out of your face" 'Yang Tie' honestly replied.

"is that so?" the gorgeous girl was slightly surprised by his honest reply. There are not many honest person now a days. even if there are not so straight forward like 'Yang Tie'.

"yes!!" 'Yang Tie' hastily replied.

"hahha!" the girl heartily laughed. Her laughing was so charming that it could any person's heart. It was the perfect medicine.

'Yang Tie' went into daze by this dazzling smile.

"hello?" the beautiful girl waved her hand in front of his face.

"yes!" he finally got out of his face. he started reciting the 'Mind Clearing Chant' for his steeling his attention.

"ehh! what is your name miss?" 'Yang Tie' asked with difficulty so as to not get swayed by her beauty again. They are of 2 different worlds.


"ehh! miss who might you be?" 'Yang Tie' finally mustered some courage to ask.

"me? i…" the gorgeous girl slightly startled when he asked about her. Other's try to use coaxing words when they ask about her but he straight forwardly asked without any other intentions..

"me? i…" she was about to speak but was interrupted.

"kid how dare you talk to miss like that?" a rich kid of the group spoke. He is the partner of the arrogant who tried to throw of 'Yang Tie'.

"hmm?" 'Yang Tie' slightly glanced at him and ignored him. Since his 'Electric Eyes' were activated and he also had photographic memory he easily remembered their faces. But he didn't want to anything with them so …. He ingored them.

He turned towards the gorgeous girl.

"you!!" the rich kid fumed being ignored like this.

"yoh! When did the dogs started so brazenly in front of their master or is it that master does not have the ability to speak?" a mighty and arrogant voice reached 'Yang Tie' ears. He could tell that he is a silk pants young master.

The gorgeous girl beside 'Yang Tie' just slightly glanced at the silk pants young master and she ignored him. "hmph!" she coldly snorted.

"isn't it miss 'Ning'?" he didn't feel angered by this but tried to flatter the other gorgeous girl 'Ning'.

The gorgeous girl actually despises this silk pants young master. He just relies on his father's power and chases around girls. Who knows how many girls . Due to some reasons she cannot take any actions otherwise….

"hehhe so young master 'Chen' is here as well?" another two groups of people came as well.

And the leader's of this 2 groups were handsome boy's. there were really handsome. Incomparable with 'Yang Tie' if he had not used 'Mind Clearing Chant'.

One was clearly a silk pants but other was a lone wolf hiding true intentions in 'Yang Tie' eyes.

"ohh! Master 'Yun' and Master 'Peng' also came?" the one called 'Master Chen' politely spokw to the 2 new group leaders.

"hehhe! If even you are here then why can't i?" master 'Yun' spoke.

Although they were speaking politely 'Yang Tie' could sense bitterness in their tone due to the difference in aura and it's changes can be seen in 'Electric Eyes'.

"hehhe? It's quite lively here?" another group came here. Another group came. But the one spoke was not the group leader but a member of the group. When the three leaders saw this group they were paralyzed for a instant.

"hmm?" 'Yang Tie' noticed the change. And he glanced at the leader of this new group. The new group leader was very handsome and on a different level than these 3 clowns. And there was a gorgeous girl clinging to him.

But something went wrong. His electric eyes started fluctuating for some reason. It was happening when he was seeing at this new leader group. He was looking ordinary but

"expert?" that was the first came to his mind. And suddenly a image popped up in his mind. It was the 'vice-president san'. He could not see through her also for some reason.


But suddenly he noticed a change. He noticed a tremendous gloomy pitch black aura near him. He slightly turned over to see that the gorgeous girl sitting was emitting tremendous coldness looking at the newly arrived group.

"young master 'Jing'?" the other 3 leaders politely welcomed the new group leader.

The new group leader 'young master Jing' didn't even bat at them but slightly glanced at 'Yang Tie'.

The 3 leaders where gritting their teeth. But they could not do anything. Only 'miss NING' was watching without any effect.

"ara? Who is this? even miss as come? What purpose does she has?" the person who spoke was the pretty girl with the new group leader.

The gorgeous suddenly get up and moved towards 'Yang Tie' and sat in his lap with style and coldly glanced "I came here with my boyfriend."" Can't I not? Is this province yours?"

"boyfriend?" everyone was shocked including the new group leader and 'Yang Tie'. The new group again glanced at 'Yang Tie'.

"i…" 'Yang Tie' wanted to say something but

"Ah!" someone pinched at his waist. no tears were coming out of his face.

The riches have gathered. 'Yang Tie' has unwantedly become scrape goat. The stage set. The game is about to begin.

To be continued