13)killing intent, impotent

'Yang Tie' had very less time. So he used his eyes and also applied

Flash Step' them since speed became ultra fast. He came in front of the group of guards

He plunged his finger with his two palms on the pressure pint.



The 3 to 4 guards were present since it was a private room. It was a best service provided by the 'royal casino' 'Sea Shine' branch. Even inside the private rooms there is not a single camera. Whatever done is done. Since authority of the 'Royal Casino' is not challengeable. They will handle it themselves if a crime occurs.

Although they were not very strong but were strong than ordinary people. And no-one had yet gone against them. But now they have saw a person with a ordinary look and clothes came in front of him. After a split second they only a slight breeze. They were knocked down.

They were no match for 'Yang Tie' speed and 'faiting point' technique. 'Yang tie' pushed them aside. And

*bam*. Kicked the door with full power since he knew that door must be locked from inside. Due to the high speed of his leg, it caused a very high momentum and knocked the door. The door was sturdy but flew a few distance inside.

"ha?" the rich kids were watching the seen inside and they were got by surprise and the slammed door fell on some of them.

"ah!" few groaned in pain.

"ah!? Who is disturbing me!!" a very lazy and coquettish voice can be heard in 'Yang Tie's' year.

'Yang Tie' had is 'Electric Eyes' on. he saw through even through crowed his vision. When he saw the seen in front his blood boiled.

His eyes turned ultra cold. He was emitting a terrifying killing intent. What he saw would make anyone's blood boil with anger.

There were 2 girl's almost naked and were moaning heavily. These bunch of rascal's enjoying this scene. And there were 2 boys in front of this girl's naked. They were just about to pound on this helpless lamb's.

If just by looking can kill then everyone present would already be dead.

"bastartd!!!" 'Yang Tie' howled in rage. He used in flash step and arrived in front of the 2 girls.



He forcefully kicked the naked men. They flew backward's and heavily slammed on the wall.

'yang Tie' took of his upper clothes and placed on the top of these 2 girls.

"Yang Tie"

"Yang Tie" the 2 girl's vision were blurred and were moaning his name.

Suddenly a moist feeling appeared on both his cheeks. The girl's had kissed him on his cheeks. He who was a virgin blushed instantly but soon came back to normal.

"Yang Tie"

"Yang Tie"… they were pounding on him. He got slightly scared. They were now drugged and he although a virgin but still a male. So he panicked if something bad happened.

He immediately focused and

*swiss* he made them faint. They fell asleep. He soon turned his vision to the people present. they were familiar. Aren't they the one who were present at 2nf floor? Also 'young master cheng and yun' were present. Latter were even naked.

"you all!!" 'Yang Tie's' killing intent increased. Surrounding turned chilly. His expression frosty.

"ah! What are you all doing watching!! Kill this bastard" 'cheng and yun' woked. When they saw 'yang tie' their boiled. Why did guy was here? If this news spread out then would any face will be left. There was only option left. To take down this bastard 'Yang Tie'.

"you asked this!!" seeing so many rich kids ganging on him 'Yang Tie's expression turned more sinister. He picked the iron rod he brought. He vanished from the spot.

"this.. were did he go??" the rich kids who went to attack him got baffled. How could anyone vanish so easily. This is lke in those chinese novels.

A light shadow flashed in the back of one of the rich kid.

"ah!!" he fainted.

"what happened?"

One by one everyone was knocked.

After some time the girls 'Ning' and mysterious girlfriend were still asleep. 'yang Tie' glanced at them and turned his vision to this bastard's.

His eyes were emitting terrifying killing intent.

"you guy's wanted to…?"

"aaaaaaaaahhhhhh!" a loud scream could be heard. It was 'young master cheng'. If watched carefully 'young master cheng' was missing something very important inside his underpants. He he became impotent. He has no manhood spear.

"you I will kill you!!!!" 'cheng' howled in rage but soon fainted in anger, pain and shock.

"you!!" 'yun' could not believe it. 'yang tie' catastrated 'cheng'?? does he not fear the 'cheng' would make his life hell.

"aaaaaaaaa!h" soon he also groaned in pain. He also became impotent.

"you!!!" he also fainted.

'yang tie' glanced at other rich kids coldly. "think better next time" he icily spoke. is there a next time?

"tie I am…"





Same thing happened with them. They became impotent. They had no manliness left. They were now useless on bed.

Inside the private room it was bloody mess.

He did not regret his actions. He knew that if these kind of people were left they would repeat these kinds of things. They were no good and scum of society. He even had risked his life. so what's this? and he did not had anyone on his back. So what does he had to fear? He did not fear doing any good thing.

He went to check of 'ning' and 'mysterious girlfriend'. They were very beautiful and were sleeping now like nothing had happened.

But soon he started panicking. How should he get out of here? If alone he could go back easily but these two girl's…. he could not leave them here. And if he tried to go outside it would soon become troublesome since he knocked some of the men of the 'casino'. They would come here soon.

In order to calm down. He started to recite 'mind clearing chant'. He soon calmed a little.

"hmm?" he glanced and found a phone on the ground. "I have no choice!!" He picked it up and dialed a number.

Few people were coming the private room.

To be continued