3)Sorry, Responsibility

The 2 beautiful girls woke up. But they found that they were at some unknown place. "where is this place?"

"hmm?" suddenly they found that they were wearing clothes other than they were wearing earlier. They were a mans clothes.

"kyaaa!!!" they screamed. Of course they would. When they woke up they found that they were at some unknown place. And they had some unknown clothes wearing. So how could they be calm.

"hey! Don't…. shout!!" 'Yang Tie' immediately went to stop them. If their neighbour's head this what would they think.

"you what have you done to us!" there were tears in their eyes. They were really crying. How could a maiden not cry.

They were at a other persons house and they may be thinking that their chastity had been over. How could be not be restless. They were releasing murderous and deathly intent. They really wanted to kill him.

'Yang Tie' was feeling a huge amount of pressure. He had not faced any kind of thing like this before.

His legs had become week. But he stood still. He activated his 'Electric Eyes'. And he started to recite the 'Mind Clearing Chant'. This will boost his confidence. It had helped him many times.

Due to his photographic memory with the help of 'Electric Eyes' he had totally remembered the chant. Although he could not completely recite the chant currently but still it's helpful.

When he recites it makes his brain run faster and also makes him more confident. So it is really helpful.




The 2 girls were shouting various kinds of slangs and venting their anger. And they also went towards 'yang Tie' and started to beating him.

It was very painful but he was silently enduring it. His face was beaten into a pulp. He was injured and he was again beaten to pulp. What a bad luck he has.

But they were not his enemy. So he could not retaliate.

And he could little understand their feelings right now so just endured it.

After some time,


"ha!" they were little exhausted. But tears were still on their face.

After some time,

"ouch!" 'Yang Tie'slowly stood up. But their was still some pain on his but and his face was un-recognizable.

He had a smile plastered on his face. He spoke calmly "is it over?". He had not done anything wrong. So what's there for him to be afraid?

"you!!" the 2 girls were really pissed of. Just who does this guy he is?

"shall we talk!" 'Yang Tie' calmly asked.

After some time he made a light coffee for them but they did not drank for some reason.

"speak!" both of them coldly spoke.

"…" 'Yang Tie' spoke what really happened. He spoke everything. About how they were about to…..and how he came to find them but he omitted the part of making them enauch…and calling 'Lin Menger' for help. He omitted about his fight with 'long jin' as well.

When they heard the whole story they were stunned.

"did… you … really not did anything to us?" they nervously asked.

"really!" 'did this have so less faith in him?' he thought. Of course they had only just met him for few moments so how could they trust him.

"i… am really sorry!" both of them were really sorry. But were little embarrassed.

"eh! Sorry for??" 'Yang Tie' was a fool.

"that… for beating and misunderstanding you…." They spoke in unison.

"it's ok! but there is something I am meaning to ask you…. " 'Yang Tie' lightly spoke.

"ask!" both of them spoke in unison.

"who are you?" 'Yang Tie' looked at them with crystal clear eyes. He wanted to ask this for some time. One them had clinged to him at the casino but he did not know who she was.

"shoudn't you introduce yourself before asking this?" they spoke in unison.

'are you twins or something?' he thought. They were speaking in unison for quite some time.

"my name is 'yang tie'." Yang Tie' spoke lightly. And he was looking at them curiously waiting for their ans.

"I am Ning Tan".

"I am Bai yiyu" they spoke one after other.

"oh! Nice name!" 'yang Tie' smiled.

"so what were you doing there?" they asked.

"this…" he was slightly embarrassed but told everything.

"oh! So do you need any help?" they asked.

"no thank you!" it's already solved!" 'Yang Tie' lightly spoke.

"oh!" they were slightly spoke but something again in unison!

"you need to take responsibility" .

"what?" 'Yang Tie' almost vomited.

to be continued