Chapter 67 Mr.Shameless

Jay went to the resting and dining part of the place. He got himself a few appetizers and waited until his chicken salad and an extra large Hawaiian pizza for himself.

"Here's your food sir, enjoy."

Jay finished the food in no time. He called over the waiter and ordered a bbq chicken pizza and a blt sandwich. After he finished his meal and left the sauna it was already 8pm he figured that he would stroll around the streets. Even though it was dark the street was lit up by so many led signs of shops (mostly bars.)

There also were a few sketchy groups of teens smoking and clearly drunk. 'So the law in Korea still stinks huh?' He thought after passing by yet another teen smoking. Just like before they exchanged looks and Jay who'd fasten his footsteps to get away. But this time instead of going on their ways one of them grabbed Jay.

"Hey you fucking bitch who the fuck are you looking at?"

"Let go." Jay's eyes turned dark and menacing.

"What'd you say punk?"

"I said to let go." Jay warned.

"He's got some backing if he's this confident!" The young looking guy pulled Jay by the collar and sneered. "Look foreigner bitch. This is how the world works."

The guy nearby signaled for them to take Jay into an alleyway. "The others went to get the things." The young guy smirked and forcefully pulled Jay by the collar. But Jay wasn't going to take this shit. Jay snapped the hand on his collar forcefully off with a force that certainly broke the guy's wrist.

"Ack!! Fuck!! The hell!" The guy started to go rampant swearing at the top of his lungs. "Call the ambulance and my dad!" He ordered one of the guys who was frozen in shock. "You're going to get it!"

Jay pulled out his phone and rung up Jeongin who swore for calling him this late. "Sorry but I ran into a problem here in..." He explained the situation and Jeongin agreed to come and deal with this mess.

...Not long after the ambulance arrived with a police car following behind. The paramedics did their thing; placing the dislocated wrist back in it's place and tying it up to a flat metal plate just incase. While that was happening the police came out and started asking questions about what had happened. Before the policeman got to Jay a black Audi sedan pulled up.

"Dad!" The young man yelped.

'So that must be the so great father of his.' Jay thought.

"Jay!" Jeongin arrived with his most prized car. The Bugatti Veyron.

Jay enjoyed the small taste of victory he got from the expressions on the poor guy's face.

"So, you broke his wrist, dislocated to be exact so I need to pay for his hospitalization fees."

"I can play from my pocket but that's not the problem. He laid his hands on me, threatened me and tried to harm me in that alleyway with baseball bats." Jay leaned against the Bugatti His figure enhancing the magical aura around the car. "If they were to drag me to that alleyway I wouldn't be so sure if I can make it out alive. That can count as aggravated assault right? Not to mention that he is underage, drinking and smoking."

Just then Jeongin whispered. "I know that guy. He's that man who got his wealth by charming a widowed mother of two."

The father of the guy finally spoke up. "You, what did you do to my son?"

Jay and Jeongin ignored the man and kept talking about all the charges they can file against the group. That was the last straw for the man and he yelled no longer caring about his so call pride.

"I'M TALKING TO YOU!" Hearing the loud angered voice the two finally noticed the man next to the Audi inside his son. "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?"

Jay smirked at his question, "A guy who shamelessly married a woman in grief for the money. One of the worst kind if men on earth."

"YOU..." The man gulped as he noticed Jeongin beside Jay emitting a deadly aura. "Are you Jeongin?"

"The one and only." Jeongin was not well known to the public but anyone with connections to the underground black market knew how this man could destroy anyone who dare to lay hands on one of his men. "You know my ways Mr.Shameless."

"I apologize on behalf of my son, he was drunk." The man pleaded readying himself to beg on his knees if he has to. "I will compensate you."

"No can do Mr." Jay cut him off. "You will see Jeongin in the court of law." Then he turned to the bugatti and tried getting into the drivers seat. "Hey bull, I think my figure is not going to fit in this one. Let me try..." Jay just barely managed to squeeze himself into the drivers seat and turned the engine on.