Chapter 69 Selfish

[1900, Wednesday MayXX.]

XX Airport.

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Jay's P.O.V

I finally stretched my legs to their full length as I got off the airplane. Man, flights are still the worst for tall people. The makeshift bed is too small! I got no fucking sleep at all! So fucking hungry too. Let's see... I'll go to that restaurant.

I finally pass through all the check ins and got a satisfying whiff of the US air. I was about to take one of those taxis when a familiar Lamborghini Centenario pulled up.

"Michael?" I can't believe Michael is here.

"Sup? Need a ride?" He offered, "I got a new paint job on this beauty here." He said and he pointed out the new patterns of his car.

I mean I could've taken a cab but...a ride in this new 'beauty' is one offer I will not resist. I whip open the butterfly door and hop in.

"Where to?"

"Amber's house." Michael nods and steps on the gas. We arrived in no time, considering that her house is only ten minute ride from the airport. Also with Michael topping the speed limits but an extra 80 km/h. "Thanks for the ride."

Michael drops me off a few steps away from the front gates. "Call me more often will ya?"

I ignore his remarks and call Amber. She picks up right away.

"Jay!" She greets me enthusiastically. God I love her enthusiasm.

"Are you by any chance home?"

"Yeah just talking a stroll in the garden why?"

Just then I spot her taking a seat on a bench right across from the gate. "Look up." She looks up and I see her freeze. 1...2...3...4...5...Seconds pass before I watch her fumbling to press the button to open the gates.

"Jaaaaaayyyy!!!" She rams into me like one big wrecking ball. "I missed you..." She sobs.

" too." I gently pat her back but that only makes her tears fall at a faster pace.

... ... ... ... ... ...

After Amber calmed down I called up gramps, Roy and Gun. I sat them down all in front of me.

"I tell you something...and to say farewell." I look at all their reactions, Roy just comforts Amber as her sobbing begins once again. Jace and Gun waits for me to continue. "I am cutting relations to the gang and I'm breaking up with..."

"Me. Your breaking up with me!" Amber lashes out. Held back in the arms of Roy, she breaks down.

"Jay. Think this through." Gun said sternly, he had a guess of what was in my mind right now.

"I've made up my mind." I calm myself down and forced the urge to comfort Amber as for back as possible.

"Are you sure about this Jay?" Grandpa spoke up.

"Yeah. It's the only way for all of you too stay safe." I got up from my seat and walked over to the other side and sat down beside Amber. "I wanted to give you this." I handed her the ring that I was wearing until now.

"I'm not accepting it!" She roared, it was one thing of me breaking up without a clear reason and now I was taking off the promise ring. She had all the right in the world to me mad.

"Listen to me Amber!" It was the first time THE Jay Xaiver yelled. "I know your hurt and I know this is not right. When I leave I want you to forget that I ever existed okay?"

'It's better this way.'

Amber froze and looked up to me and I avoided her eyes. "No!"

I got up and whispered to myself again, "It's better this way." The words that were supposed to be heard by only me, was heard by Amber.

"I can help! I will help you in this war!"

"You can't help Amber. It's a war against them, and myself." I grabbed my suitcase getting ready to leave. I was half way out the door then I felt a hand on my shoulders. I turned.

"The side effects. Is it..."

"Yes. I don't want to her to see me this way."

Jace nodded in understanding and went back to where he came from. Next was Gun who still had a hand on my shoulder.

"Jay. You're like my little bro, I know you want to keep everyone safe but...let me tell you this is not the right way. Remember our motto?" Gun paused. "We live together, we die together. Have you already forgotten our promise?"

"No. I haven't. I'm just being selfish alright!" I couldn't control my emotions anymore. "This is my problem. I AM the victim of their deeds and I AM the victim seeking revenge."

"For fuck's sake man. I'm not trying to stop you from your revenge."

"Then what? Trying to reason with me?" I shook his hand off my shoulder. "Take care of Amber for me."