
Can you really call it that when you move from being to stubborn to end something, to actually not giving a damn about the influence and impact of your decisions in the lives of others around you?

What make you selfish? Holding on or giving up? Which one hurts the most? It's either you or them? Awake or numb?

I am absolutely obsessed with dogs and puppies and kittens and horses... actually any animal. I admire them so much, the way they learn and grow, the way they evoluate.

But especially because they take their actions and decisions with a purpose: self-defence, hunger, protection or other reasons...

But most of the time is something logical. And you can say the same thing about humans. Because the do unexplicable things, without an apparent reason. Sometimes they hurt and destroy out of pure pleasure. Sick and despicable, miserable. I do not think we should ever try to justify anyone's actions, some people have different sets of rules and ideas. Are we trying to justify and explain what they do for their sake or for our own? It is hard to live in such a cruel world, where it is more encouraged to hate people just because they love eachother than to try to stop all of that hate. Eventually hate does nothing but darken your mind and soul, ending up as a victim as well.

Everybody is different, unique somehow which is not a bad thing, but sometimes is frustrating because you get to a point where you think people don't really listen to what you say, but they hear their own thoughts and pretend to pay attentions just to please the others.

All you really want is someone to ACTUALLY LISTEN. Which is really rare now a days since people are so busy doing things they hate. They forget what it fells like to do something you enjoy, because maybe they think that if they are having fun now something bad will happen later. Or maybe they got to that point where they believe they do not deserve to be happy, or they do but not too happy.

Some say that money bring happiness, some say it contributes at it. You can buy food with money, especially chocolate❤. But my mom used to say that if you are healthy and happy, and you work hard enough, through honest means you will get to be successful and have lots of money also.

We all need happiness or something that brings us happiness, either if it's success, money, power or chocolate. But before that we should never forget to enjoy the little thing and the little gestures of kindness. Because just the thought that someone is thinking about you, praying and wishing for you to be safe and sound may be enough for some. For others it might not mean much. It all depends on our principles and the way we build our standards.

Take care of you souls guys and do not forget that you are always important for someone out there. You matter for someone, even if you might not know it does not mean it isn't true.