
"Milord?" asked Mary slightly panicking and took the last two steps, before coming to a stop next to the bed on which her Master was pressing his forehead into the quilt. Did he have a Headache? Well, he should have, considering his escapades last night. There is a reason he slept until noon. The night before, he was feasting with a few of the Merchants. And despite knowing his low tolerance for alcohol, he drank himself into delirium. She remembered how shocked she was, when the guard brought him in, blabbering to himself. And it fell into her duties, to care for him, so she put on his nightgown, and put him into the bed with the help of the guard.

Groaning he lay there and pressed his head into the only thing he could grasp. He rubbed his temples to no avail and kept his eyes shut, while his thoughts were on a rollercoaster. He didn't even know where he was. 'Was i kidnapped?' he asked himself. Impossible though. He may have a sound sleep, but unless he was drugged, he would have noticed being moved or taken away. He listened to the panicky voice of Mary and had the urge to roll his eyes. 'Come on. If you are my Maid, shouldn't you be helping me here?' he thought, but kept his mouth shut. He turned around and kept massaging his temples until he felt two hands pushing his' away and continuing the massage. He took a deep breath and let her be. If he has a Maid here, he should use her, right?

"Where am i? Where is this place?" he asked after a few minutes, still lying on the bed. 'Figure she's not going to answer, but i should try to find out where i am at least.' was the reason for him asking.

"Milord,.." she started, but kept the first answer that came to her for herself. She couldn't really mock him for forgetting after a night of drunken stupor. "You are in your chambers in the Manor. A Guard brought you here after Midnight." she answered then, continuing her massage. But she noticed her Lord tremble for a bit. "Must have been a really fun feast." she began jokingly to lighten the mood, but seeing how she wasn't well versed with words, she quickly became silent again. She shifted the massage from his temples to behind his ears.

'Again with this bullshit.' he scolded in his mind. But afterwards he realized, that he was letting a complete stranger to him just massage him like it was nothing uncommon. 'I must have hit my head when they took me away.' Thinking this, he moved his hands and took Mary's to stop the massage. The pain had subsided a bit, but despite the sting he felt, he chose to ignore this feeling. At that moment, holding her hands, his stomach grumbled and he noticed his hunger for the first time, since waking up. "I'm hungry." he said then and looked at his Maid who was sitting next to him on the bed and had a slight blush on her cheeks from him holding her hands.

"Of course Milord." Mary told him and pulled back her hands and stood up from the bed. It would be quite awkward for them if someone were to come into the room and see them like this. "Would you like me to order the food to be brought here?" she asked. With that excuse she could escape this room for a few minutes at least. But not today. After listening to her words, she noticed her Master's eyes widen, as if he didn't know, that food could be brought to his room, if he didn't want to get up.

"No." he refused. "Take me there, i want to take a stroll." he ordered then, trying to make his voice sound natural. He was quite excited, when he heard about the option of the food being brought here. That meant, that he also just go to the kitchen and eat there. At least he hoped so. Little did he know, that the "kitchen" here wouldn't really quite offer him the space to eat, but that's for later. He sat up slowly and closed his eyes for a moment, because of the headaches. A sigh came from his lips and he stood up from the bed, ready to leave for the kitchens but was stopped by Mary.

"Milord, shouldn't you get dressed properly?" she asked him. She would hear quite the earful, if she let her Master go out and stroll through the Manor in his nightgown. She rushed to the big wardrobe and opened it, to present him the clothes that he should wear, which earned her a frowning look from him.

He looked down on himself and had the urge to laugh. 'What is this? A dress?' he mocked himself but couldn't suppress the chuckle. "Alright, bring me my clothes." he ordered afterward, wanting to take off his nightgown. 'It is quite comfartable though..' he thought, while taking it off. He then took he clothes Mary picked for him and wanted to get dressed, but found a new problem. Why were there so many layers of clothing for him to put on. The heck was this? "Is it winter?" he asked, looking at the clothes that were now lying on the bed, while Mary brought him a pair of nice looking boots. "No, Milord." was her answer, which didn't really calm his mind. 'And why are these clothes looking like they are from the mediaval ages? Am i trapped by a Cosplay Maniac? Is that it?' he thought, scrutunizing the clothes. They all had a noble look to them. And they looked like his size too. 'Hang on.' he thought and looked down on his body. 'Fuck!' he cursed in his mind. "What the Fuck! What the actual Fuck!!!!" he roared then, which startled Mary.

He noticed the differences on his body. His stomach wasn't as big as before, his legs weren't as long as before, his hands weren't as large as before and looked quite tender for someone, who didn't really hold back at work and helped quite a bit if necessary. But these hands looked like the only hard work they did, was unzipping pants but then again, there were no zippers on the pants that lay on the bed. And still he didn't even think of the circumstances he was in, since waking up. There was no chance in hell, that he could be transported back in time, so he didn't even think of it. His breath got faster and he tried his best to calm down, but it seemed impossible. He had the urge to cry, but didn't know what to cry for. His body? His headaches? The Maid? The clothes? So many reasons and then again, not real reasons to cry. He just felt uncomfortable and decided then to go with it. 'Screw it!' was the only thing going through his mind, when he took the pants and slipped into them.

Mary watched him, trying to avoid frowning. She didn't know why he was making such a scene, so kept silent. It was best to avoid asking too many questions. That was the advice Agathe gave her on her first day as new Maid here, in the Lord's Manor. But watching her Master put on his clothes so clumsily, she decided to help, so she went forward and offered with a curtsey "Milord, let me help."

With an arm through the shirt, he stopped and turned to Mary. Thinking about it, Maids were supposed to help with getting dressed. So he nodded and let her help him get dressed, which sped up the whole process, after which she said with a curtsey "Shall i lead you to the Hall then Milord?"

Startled, he stopped. First of, these clothes felt really uncomfortable. He wasn't used to so many layers lying on his body so he moved slower than normal. Then, Mary startled him by wanting to lead him to the hall. Why there? What about the kitchen? He wanted to eat something, not visit a Hall. "Ah.." He started, but turned silent the next moment. The headache got stronger again, which prompted him to massage his temples again. "Whatever. Yes, let's go there." he said, which miraculously softened the pain he felt. He blinked confused, then followed Mary whilst shaking his head. This place was so confusing. But as soon as he stepped out of the door, he stopped abruptly. 'What is going on?' he thought and looked around. The building style looked like it was taken straight from a mediaval game or movie. But this realization just fueled the headaches again, forcing him to abandon the thought. Up till now, every time he thought about how strange everything was, he felt like his head was going to split open, but calmed down, when he just accepted it. What kind of joke was that? Grumbling, he turned to follow Mary.