Arnav was fully awakened now. He had many enemies in the business. Maybe one of them had paid for the contract. But why would they give up Sofya as the other end of the deal? Or maybe it were Sofya's rivals?
All he could think about now was Sofya's safety. How he wished she were here now! Her own home was not safe for her anymore. He wanted her safe and sound in front of his eyes. That man was not to be taken lightly. Even if the mysterious client failed to deliver his end of the deal, he would leave no efforts to get Sofya.
Finally after thinking hard, the only solution that he could come up with was to get married. True, they were getting married in two weeks, but now he couldn't wait. Every second mattered. That way, she would be in front of his eyes every now and then. Even if he were to leave for some urgent work, he would increase the security of the house ten folds.
The next day he had spent almost the entire day in selecting the perfect ring for her, with the help of his assistant. Now, only a proposal and marriage was left.
* Present *
Getting down onto one knee, he opened the box to reveal a beautifully carved diamond sapphire ring.
" Sofya Khemka, I want to spend my rest of life with you. Will you marry me? "
Sofya gasped audibly. This was... unexpected. She simply didn't know what to say. When did he had the time to purchase the ring? How long had he been planning it?
Thinking these, her eyes begin to water again. She never thought she would be so happy in her entire relief. To have a man who would love her unconditionally, wasn't it every girl's dream?
" Yes. " she replied in a choked voice.
Arnav beamed and slid the ring on her finger. Standing up, he scooped her up in his arms and whirled her around, making her squeal in delight.
" Let's go to the marriage registrar's office now. I can't wait. " Arnav commented, settling her down on her feet.
Sofya looked confused. " The marriage's only two weeks later? Why are you hurrying so much? "
" I know it is. But still I want to get married today and take you to my house. "
" No. " Sofya replied firmly. Marriage was no joke after all. " It's not right. Moreover, this would only make Grandpa and Uncle upset. They have many expectations from this wedding. It's just not worth it."
Arnav rolled his eyes, but couldn't think how he could convince her. The one thing that he knew and admired about her was that she was adamant in her decisions. Nobody could make her change it once she had taken it. And he did not want to appear to be forceful either. Seemed like there was no other option, other than waiting for two more weeks. In the end, he had to agree.
The bridge on which they were standing was beautifully illuminated at the night time. It ran over the river which almost divided the city in two, thus giving it all the more a serene appearance. The night was beautiful and the moon was shining brightly, smiling upon them.
Sofya took Arnav's hand, leading them to a side bench. Sitting there, she quietly laid her head on his shoulder, feeling the warmth in her heart. Arnav caressed her head lovingly as he stared into nothingness.
Lexwork Legal Associates
" There's been another call from the organization. They want us to meet the boss. Another mission has come up. " Murat was lounging on the chair as he spoke to Arnav, his eyes dim.
His table was piled up with the new law cases that had arrived yesterday. The work had not yet been delegated and his annoyance level was slowly increasing as the day passed by. Plus, he had promised Arnav to work together on his tender problem.
Arnav sipped his coffee slowly, lost in some thought. " Maybe we should go. I think it might have something to do with Red Paladin. "
" If that is the case, then I will have my agents book the tickets. Of course " he added, smirking, " you will have to return for your wedding. "