When Frank and Liane went home, Liane was so quiet that she could not explain her feeling about Ingrid's situation and Frank's friend. Her husband noticed her strange mood.

"Honey, what are you thinking?" Frank glanced at her while they were preparing to go to bed.

"Honey, I have to ask you something," hesitation is evident in her voice.


"It's like this, there's a woman who only wants to go through motherhood but not in the usual way, how should I explain this.. uhmm.." Liane walked back and forth in front of her husband.

"Woah easy honey. Why are you so tensed?"

"It's Ingrid. Our godson is now curious about his father."


"And.. Ingrid is anxious because she doesn't know who the father is… and she feared that someday, someone would take her son away." she looked at her husband with nervousness.

"Okay...wait, what?? I thought she got pregnant by her boyfriend?"

"It's our little secret.." and Liane told her husband everything.

No one knew about Ingrid's decision to have a baby independently but not with a husband. Even her family doesn't know about it and as well as Frank.

"When I saw your friend today, I was shocked... because of his features.. Have you noticed it?"

Frank nodded. They fell silent, and both were into deep thinking.

"This is what should we do.."


"Cliff, my son.." Mr. Clint Briggs was teary-eyed when he saw his son visiting him in his mansion. He was having his tea when Cliff arrived.

"F-father…" Cliff never feels so overwhelmed as this time. Never in his wildest dream that there would be a time when he could meet his dad after all these years.

Her mother still loved his father until now, and she could not fully imagine her son having hostility against his father regardless of her constant reminder about their situation.

He felt something strange at his father; his heart beats faster, goosebumps all over his body. There are so many thoughts, questions that he wants to ask. He desired to hug him but hesitant because he felt hate simultaneously, too, for leaving him and not giving him time to find him. All these years, he longs to have a father.

"Come here…" and his father hugged him tightly as if his life depends on it. "I am so glad that you accepted my invitation despite that you are busy." Cliff is still silent and did not utter anything but only stared at his father.

"Son, I know, I am not worthy to be called your father, but give me a chance to prove my remorse of not finding you sooner and for leaving your mother… I was a great fool. My life was so empty when your mother walked away from my life." He looked far away, suppressing his tears.

"Please forgive me." He tightened his jaw and looked at his father; torn between forgiving him, just walked out, and neither looked back nor went back to his father.

"We'll just see where our meeting will take us." His father laughed aloud.

"You are exactly like me." Cliff just narrowed his eyes.

"We'll see." Then he pursed his lips.

"Where's your mother now? I want to see her again. Is it possible?"

Cliff knew that his mother still longed to see his father all these years, but she didn't attempt to do so because of pride.

"You go and find her." he said coldly.

"Hmm, will you help me courting your mother again?" Cliff snorted.

"You're old enough to do that, you don't need my help." Then his father grinned.

"That's my boy. And because of that, I'll be busy courting your mother again; I need you to manage our company." He looked at his son with intense determination. He knew what his father was up to.

"Only depends if your company meets my standard." His father once again laughed aloud.

"You are exactly like me." His laugh echoed in the room. While the servants were all wide eyed as they stared at the man their master has been talking to.