It's already eleven in the morning when Mr. Clint ushered his son to his office, and within thirty minutes, the meeting started. Outside the conference room, the employees were eagerly waiting for the meeting to end to get a glimpse of the boss' son.

"Have you seen him? Oh God! I will give him my body for free," one of the female staff declared.

"Silly! Will he even accept your body?" another secretary ridiculed while the other woman just sneered.

"It's unfortunate, Ma'am Ingrid isn't here now. I just want to see how she would react to the man who will replace her." Freya, Mr. Clint's secretary, giggled at the thought.

"But what I'm curious is, if she will be affected by his presence or not?" The other employee said teasingly. And in turn, they all laughed.

"I agree. We know how tough she is when dealing with men. Who will bow to whom? Besides, we don't have a chance with the boss' son, but… Ma'am Ingrid has…" another employee teased again.

"I wonder what will be Ma'am Ingrid's face will be if she blush when she meets him."

"We will be skinned alive by Ma'am if she hears us talking about her like this." Freya looked from both sides, imagining that Daisy is near.

"Daisy's not here. She's in her office, you also know her, the socially inhibited lady." And they laughed to mock.


It was already 2:30 in the afternoon when Ingrid arrived in the company. She parked her car and went directly to the elevator; she was scanning her phone while she was waiting for the elevator door to open.

When the elevator door opened, she walked out without looking on her way. She was so focused on her phone that she did notice a man was also walking towards her.

The man stared at her, and then he stopped at the exact time she bumped into him. Ingrid almost fell, but she was caught by the stranger almost embracing her on her waist.

For the first time in her life, she felt being held by a stranger and she did not feel annoyed. Instead, she felt the warmth within. The manly scent woke her up from her reverie, and alarm bells rang in her head, sending signals to senses to get away from his hold.

The man is faking a cough, which made her jerked in response.

'Just what am I thinking?! What a shame.' She scolded herself.

"Are you alright, miss?" when Ingrid heard the voice, she quivered within. Never in her life had she felt like that.

'Ughh that deep voice. It tickles my ears.'

Her mind was in chaos. She shut her eyes for five seconds and apologizes to the man. Still not looking at him.

"Ugh, yes, sorry, I was not mindful on the way. If you will excuse me…" Her mind was still elsewhere, and her eyes rooted on the floor. Feeling ashamed of what has been running in her mind.

Immediately, she walked away, not even giving the man a chance to utter a word.

'Shame..' the man thought.

But then he grinned.

'but I believe we'll still meet one day, again...'

After that, he walked away with a small smile crept into his lips. An unusual display on his face.

On the other hand, Ingrid's heart was beating erratically not because she walked so fast, but because of the thoughts. An unusual reaction from her. She never thought that she could feel or think something like that.

'Are you now perverted?' she felt terrible.

But her attention diverted when she heard a knock on her office door; Daisy came in.

"Ma'am, are you alright? You look pale." Daisy came to her immediately and touched her forehead.

"Yes, I am. Thank you, Daisy. Is there anything you need?"

"Uhhhmmm, yes, here are the documents that you asked me yesterday and these are the papers that need your immediate response or signature."

"Ahh yes thank you."

"And one more thing, I heard a rumor that the employees have plans to…" Daisy paused and pursed her lips. "it's nothing important anyway, I am going now, Ma'am."

"Is there something wrong, Daisy?"

"N-nothing ma'am. I'll go ahead." Then Daisy walked out hurriedly avoiding her boss's stares.

When Ingrid once again alone, her thoughts went back to that incident, and she blushed profusely.

'Who is he?' then again, she moved her thoughts aside and focused on her work.

'Geez! Is this the effect of not having a man in my life that's why I have felt like that? Yuck!' she mumbled.