New Chapter

Hi dearest!

How are you? I terribly miss you all. It's been what? Two years? Since the last time I updated here.

If you're reading this, probably, you noticed that the chapters were already deleted. Well, it's a both a good news and bad news. For the bad news, you will no longer read it for free because I was contracted by A&D. But the good news is, you can still read it after it will be published by my contracted company.

I am in the middle of revising or correcting the novel in some sorts and will give much color and flavor and let's relive the love life of Clifford and Ingrid. Please watch out for the new chapters soonest.

I am hoping you will still support me in this new chapter of my writing career. Feel free to message me on my facebook page, or comment here or email me at for your thoughts and suggestions. I would love to hear from you.

With much warmth,
