Utterly Defeated?

In the world of Gourmetopia, raising one's level was the basis of strength and knowledge both in the field of battle and cooking.

But for some instances, surpassing someone with sheer strength opens up the possibility to defeat someone with the level advantage if the gap was not too wide to overcome.

As the saying goes, hard work beats the gifted.

Laura frowned at the sight of Nil knocking out Angelo and dared to reveal his full power, though she was shocked from Nil's level, Laura was more pissed since it was not on their agreement to win the fight.

But Nil was not aware of Laura's reaction.

He was exerting all his prowess in one go, he was not planning to break his promise with Bertolt and Laura for who knows what will happen to him base from the warning he received.

But going stray a little bit from the original plan of losing was not part of their agreement.

As of the moment, using his full power was the only way to humiliate these three boastful guys who dared to offend him.

Though the three sophomore students was weaker than the beasts Nil fought at the group activity from before it was only for the field of strength.

Nil considered the intelligence of his opponents as a variable of their fight, after all this three students before him were still the talented students of their class.

But talents enough wouldn't be enough to deal with both talent, hard work and a built-in mind system!

Nil dashed forward to where Aldrin was. Startled, the latter immediately took a defensive stance using his gauntlets.

Due to fear, his stance was dull and full of flaws. Anyone who trains on the martial style fighting will see the those flaws with a glance.

But who can't blame him? His friend Angelo fainted without him noticing anything. Also that friend of his' was stronger than him!

All he can think right now was how much of a fool he is to join mocking this monster before him.

He was like a blind rabbit waiting to be swallowed by a snake.

Yet, Nil did not plan to just defeat the other two that was left. Angelo was just a quick appetizer!

Nil jumped and swing his sword downward, Aldrin was forced to defend with his forearm arms crossing each other. Nil was just too fast for him.


Nil's wooden sword breaking apart echoed across the hall but Aldrin was not even in a better state. His training gauntlet that was hit by Nil's strike was now dented. God knows what happened to his forearm inside that gauntlet. His foot leaving an impression on the ground.

Right now Aldrin's face was in a mess, he was trying to hold his tears but some of it betrayed his eyes and now flowing down. All he can feel on his whole body was numbness and a scorching pain on his forearm. Where the fuck was Dylan? He thought.

Nil smile widely from the scene. He even laughed after a few moments seeing how pathetic Aldrin looked like.

"Hey wait! I'm supposed to be the one whose crying, I am the bullied here!" Nil said.

Dyaln whose standing at the edge of the arena froze from shock, it's his first time to feel fear from someone whose weaker than him, in terms of level obviously.

But he can never back down from the fight or it would be the biggest hit on his pride and much worse to their family!

Dylan tried to calm himself down and so he did calm. Those two cousins of mine was way weaker than me. I shouldn't be afraid! Dylan thought trying to boost his morale again.

Recovering from his shock he tried to walk forward to Nil while holding his sword. Nil does the same too but now only with his barehands.

All the students whose watching to whole one sided fight showed by Nil was all astounded from his performance. Right now they can only watch in silence, anticipating the next moment that will happen.

Bertolt on the sides had a higher view of Nil's prowess. As a food saint, he already estimated and see through Nil's level even with the system hindering it. But he never expect Nil to be bolder and powerful enough to bring three talented students to their knees.

Samuel whose watching coldly beside Laura was sweating cold from his back. He was angry that his students was utterly defeated by someone he considered inferior to them. Much more, he was afraid on how other professors will mock him from his' students defeat.

Three seconds later Nil and Dylan was ten feet apart from each other. Both parties was waiting who will have the guts to strike first.

Nil never let his guard down, facing a third level on the third rank was something not much everyone on the apprentice rank can dream on. His defense was flawless and was forge by his intensive training since the moment he reincarnated on this world. He can't let a flaw be seen! After all even Dylan was weaker from a unicorn beast by stats, he was still stronger from him by a small margin.

"Die!" Dylan roared! A very faint translucent white mist envelop his body. It was the manifestation of his aura level.

As one persons cultivates and train, the more visible this aura of mist can be seen and varies from color to color base from someone's path of training. It could be white from the lower levels and gold to much higher levels.

Dylan rush forward with while swinging his sword in an arc that whistled as it travels.

Nil immediately brace himself from the impact, he would never dodge an attack from someone he despise or it would be a step on his pride!

Yes, Dylan was given to be stronger but his dexterity faints against Nil. His movements was obviously seen by Nil.

The attack just now was aiming on the side of his head, specifically the his ears.

Seeing it that way, Nil took a stance akin to Aldrin's and use his forearms to block Dylan's attack. Base from his opponents momentum, changing the course of his sword was no to avail.

Prepared, Nil took the full force of Dylan's swing.

Another banging sound echoed from the collision!

After a fraction of a second Dylan counter the block and punched Nil straight to the gut.

That was all basic fighting style and within Nil's expectation.

Before the lunch hit him, Nil managed to tensed up all his abdominal muscles to block Dylan's attack.

From the system's help, Nil managed to predict and react each moments almost in an instant. Receiving Dylan's punch would be felt by his body, but due to his strength baring that pain would be easy. Moreover even before having his system, Nil was not a typical frail guy who will crumble and roll in the ground after receiving such attack, he was forged by years of training and hard work!

Dylan was yet again shocked from that, his proud punch who knocked anyone he bullied was now being endured by someone without even budging from his place after taking the full hit.

He started to feel true fear, Dylan's grip from his training sword loosen making Nil's both arms free.

Taking advantage of it, Nil took a step and pull over his arms.

Right now, Nil's right fist was aiming straight to Dylan's face. The former was like a ferocious beast pouncing to it's prey while the latter was stunned frozen on the spot, like an obedient rabbit waiting to be eaten.

Dylan's face was now filled with fear, his eyes wide open and filled with tears while his teeth were gritting each other.

I'm going to lose and it will be a painful one! Dylan thought, he can only stare to Nil's fist.

But before Nil's attack reached him, Nil hold back and stopped mid-air. Only an inch away from Dylan's face.

"I surrender." Nil announced.

Right after, the digital display above the arena showed an announcement of Nil's defeat.

Different kind of complains soon filled the whole battle hall. Even professor Samuel raised his hand. "This is humiliation!" He roared.

Though both can't see each other, Bertolt and Laura sighed in relief.

Good thing the old man remembered using the jammers. Our enemy wouldn't be wise to believe rumors only by the speak of tongue. Professor Laura thought.

Nil immediately left the hall. He was in a very good mood and can't help but smile. The scolding he will received from his master and Bertolt was already on the back of his mind.

That feeling was just like back there on Earth! Nil thought reminiscing his past experience on his previous world.