"Spectacle by "S.MANNAH"!!...

||सत्यमेव जयते ||

"Truth must prevail"...

Disclaimer- "For the privacy terms we have changed the character's names but incidences remained the same"... It is a work of fiction.

This happened due to the #MetooMovement.

Based on real life events.

Original Language- English. . .

Y O.R.-2018.

Writer's Word- "Never judge a person unnecessarily without knowing the actual truth that is the moral of the story"...

Chapter 1-

It is that time of the year when we gang of theatre activists and artists were rehearsing for our next theatre play, a historical play "Nazir Shah Fakir". . . In which I (Shama Sikander) and many others such as Arya Prabhudha, Vaishali Katara, Dimpy Mishra, Dheeraj Mishra, Abhinav Parashar, Sheetal Raghuvanshi, Rahul Katara, werr playing pivotal roles. As it was a musical drama we have many song sequences in the play where we were goingto collaborate in the songs by joining the chorus and also solo singing in the song "Tumhari Ada", et.al. While the rehearsals were in full swing and in daiky basis we use to go and practise for the play in the party office of the "Rangmanch" natak company.

During the 10th day of the rehearsals galore, a new entrant arrives with a good friend of mine that is Arya Prabudh who is an engineer and a aspiring sibger by profession. His friend from the Hindustan Degree College of Engineering arrives with him to take part in the musical historical drama and her name was Rina Agnihotri.

Chapter 2-

Without much time we both became good chums of each other and started hanging out after the play rehearsals gets over. She us a very lively, happy go lucky and a chirpy kind of a girl who lives her life to the fullest eay possible. She enjoys and cherishes each and every moment of her life and is a complete extrovert in terms of meeting new people and making friends with them. I had developed a good bond with her along with Arya Prabudha, and other theatre artists as I spent most of time during the rehearsals of our forthcoming play.

After my NTT classes I went to the theatre's party office to rehearse for the play. The same evening we got some brrak due to the sebior professor Dimpy Mishra who is on his way to the Rangmanch office from his university where he teaches drama. In between a cool or I should say a kewl dude guy named Krishna Shishodia, a student of Computer Sciences asked out Arya Prabudha, fast friend of Rina Agnihotri that is he Rina's boyfriend? He replied in imperatively as he is hust a good pal of Rina and straightforwardly told Krishna that he is just a friend and that is it, nothing else. So Krishna asks him in private that if you are not dating her then I can get officially a free license to flirt with her and then it means that I can woo her to be my girlfriend. To that Arya does not show any shame or problem as he is absolutely notmal with it but that few lines spoken by Krishna in whatever state of mind became a big problem for Rina and me afterwards.

Chapter 3-

Some nasty and blacklisted people like a brother-sister duo from the Rangmanch theatre artist association have been looking for a opportunity to put the theatre company in a bad light by bad-mouthing about it and it's hardworking artists and they did the same. Firstly I'll introduce you to the evil brother-sister duo who are Abhinav Parashar and Vaishali Parashar from the same batch and those who are also working in the same play like us. Their nasty and offensive behaviour is often reported by other people from tge theatre assiciation under the theatre supervisors and senior members but due to their connections as their father is also related to the same theatre so they were protected due to maybe a thibg called "nepotism". Despite them being brats and good for nothing except creating mess and reck havoc for others they do nothing. As we were not aware of it in advance so we become their trap and what happens next is something unimaginable only.

Some senior artists starts comolaining about the kind of dress and outfits Rina use to wear as she is a free spirited girl and does not shy away from being open-minded and optimistic regarding the changes and especially to the modernity of the society, so she wears quite skin tight and thin clothes. She even told me that she is into short skirts and hot pants but due to that environment she faces in this place and nearby the locality that makes her quit that kind of dressing for sometime, which is understandable from a girl's perspective as a girl faces those judgements and challenges on daily basis by someone or the other and even in her own family as well.

She was often chided by some senior theatre activists, some requested her to change her way of dressing like for instance, our senior artist Dr.Vijay Sharma politely convinces her to come in other get up. Well the problem is exactly not in the kind of clothing she selects but the problem lies in the mindset of the people of that theatre company as I fibd absolutely no issues with her apparels because they are not offensive and not at all revealing fron anywhere or which arouses any erotic desires to any male or female then why is that everyone around her is trying to break the confidence of that smart and confidently free-spirited girl?

Chapter 4-

This realization comes to me later when I saw a change in behaviour of the senior memebers with me as well. They did bot criticised me for my dressing sense but because I put a complaint against thise two monsters Abhinav Parashar and Viashali Parashar. Well the real reason behind these scoldings are them and nothing else. Yes you all read it rightly, the real reason for our ostracization were those two sister-brother duo. Actually Vaishali Parashar use to call me at odd hours later in the night time and disrupts me and to top it all she inquisitively asks seceral questiins in the sense to investigate me about my day to day regije and working places beyond the theatre rehearsals and then finally hands the phone to her brother Abhinav who also asks idiotic questions as if he is going to keep a check on me to where I use to go throughout my daytime.

This kind of insane behaviour by both sister-brother duo really pusses me off, so one day very gently and politely I ask them to not call at late hours as it is not aloowed in my family household. If they wanna talk to me they can wait till I appear in the rehearsal room. But they never bothered and continued their obnoxious behaviour and one thing is very peculiar that Abhinav is always after me for signing ad deals and music videos with one of his great friends who is auditioning some new models and actors as a casting agent.

One evening when me and Rina were interacting for some little time before the rehearsals of the play commneces, accidently or fortunately she revealed to me something that clears every chaos and planning that is going on. Actually the thing is that I called her in the evening to ask ger for a white saree as I'm going to wear it in my teaching session and I don't have it so I ask her out if she has it so I can borrow it from her for a while but she didn't picked up my call for may hours, so I dropped the idea of calling her and decided to ask her the reason for not picking up the call. She told me that it's because Vaishali Parashar had called her up and started chit-chatting for like almost 2 hours continuously knowing that she stays away with her famiky in PG system. This baffles me as she foes the same thingy with me as well. I asks her further then what kind of conversations she use to have ut with you in order to make things go clear in one go. She told me that she always asks way too many questions and it seems as if she is inquiring about the daily routine and my(Rina's) exact nature and tgen finally her annoying brother gets into the line by taking the phone from her sister and starts to pay even more questiin and answers round.

When she says this thing about uer brother then everything gets unfolded. I asks her further, "what kind of questiin are usually asked by her brother? I mean are they related to your family, college related, or just simply your lifestyle?" She told me that he asks everything related to my life as if I'm going to answer each and everything to a stranger like this who literally snatches the phone from her sister to get in touch with me", she replies.

Chapter 5:-

I revealed to her that he's been doing the same thing with me as well and gid knows how many other innocent girls by the help of her evilish nasty sister. Rina also told me that one night he asks her to give audition to his brother cum friend who is auditioning new models and upcoming actors for his new bollywood project and from then on he use to call her on daily basis to convince her to do the prohect at any cost and with his special reference she is spared from even giving any audition also. All she has to do is to just go and shoot the rain song sequence which is the part of a big budget film.

The whole matter get clear in my head and I told Rina that these alluring offers came in my way by tge same source and these are I guess thugs who wanted some other ulterior motives from both of us or maybe some other candidates as well, as we were new and unknown to their real psyche they wanted to trap us by giving such temptations of working in full-fledged films, advertisements, music videos, etc. This thing cannot be taken lightly so we bith decided to put a complaint to the higher authority as this time I'm not alone I have Rina with me as well.

Both if us are sailing in the same boat and god forbid how many other inncoent fenales vecame a prey to such monsterous characters such as Abhinav Parashar and his sister Vaishali Parashar...

Chapter 6:-

The senoirs such Vihay Sharma sir, Dheeraj Mishra and Dimpy Mishra gets involved and one among them that is Mr.Dhheeraj Mishra starts accusing Abhinav and Vaishali for their deeds and behaviour in the past as well as in the recent times. They are the one's who revealed to us that these people are blacklisted from the theatre camp long back but it is due to their father respect and prestige they are still in and still tolerated despite the fact that they wanted to break the theatre group and divide it's loyal artists brick by brick. He assured both if us that he will put a further complaint to the sebior dramatists such as the honourable head honcho Dr.Jeetendra Asthana and Mr.Dilip Khurana sahab.

The othet day when we came to the rehearsals somethung really astonishing took place as Rina started accusing Abhinav Parashar for his way of looking at her and she even blame him for wrongly touching her. When I went near the situation I ask Rina to stoo crying and tell whats exactly happened. She told everyone around that Abhinav has asked her out to sleep with her as she is easily available for any men and the dresses she wore provokes everyone around her abd she is fit to be casted in a bold and exposing role in a new movie under the banner "Tulika" banner. Abhinav obviously refuses to accept such allegations against him and blames Rina only by saying that she often flirts with him and asked him out several times to cast her in any bollywood project and for that she could go to any extent and can do anything.

I revoked back and protected against the callous and pervert Abhinav by saying that he's been givibg me these alluring offers since day one and nothing really fruitful happened except his flirting and casanova activities. Except for suoporting us Mr.Dheeraj Mishra started scolding us only and that turn of event really bewildered me as he has promised us that he will help us no matter what and for that he can go out of the way to rescue our self-respect and innocence.

But on the contrary he chided and rebuked at us only as if we have plundered something from them. It was revealed that Rina has come here only to make boyfriends, firstly it's her so-called brother cum friend Arya Prabudha, then it's Krishna Shishodia who after knowing that Arya is romantically interested in Rina so in that case Krishna can make Rina her official girlfriend but as Rina is a total flirt and playgirl so she trapped Abhinav Parashar as well knowing that he can give her some profits in the form of ticket to bollywood. This whole revelation just shook both me(Shama) and Rina like never before. We were completely aghast and shattered by their words. We got it later that they were trapping us only and Rina became a prey and a mere victim ro them much more than I get into trouble is beacause she is extra friendly and joyful with everybody around her be it men or women or be it girls company ir for that matters boys company.

This thought really saddened me and Rina was also taken aback she just cries, cries and only cries to all this what has happened that evening. When Krishna and Arya clarified everything to her and I was obviously present over ther in attendance, they told us that it was by the way the plotting of Abhinav along woth seniors like Dheeraj Mishra to pull you newcomers down in order for them to be on top number in the theatre activities and acting in general. They can't see anybody else flourish especially hardworking and free-spirited people like all of us. But damaged has been done as the confident, courageous, bold, blunt and an optimistic Rina has lost her old confidence and does not had the strength to come back again to the same environment and working with such hypocrites and pathetic parasites who are a product of nepotism and nothing else to be very honest. She just said one thing after leaving the 6th day of the rehearsals that "you shouldn't be making such statements regarding me or any girl in general Krishna vefore knowing their actual nature and more precisely their consent over a relationship". She further says addressing me and Arya as well "you're some words of fun and exuberance cost me a lot as I have to now leave from here"... This Spectacle was still present in my eyes and my memory after 8 long years when I finally decided to pen down this incident after mych pondering and finally breaking all the age-old manotonous stereotypes. But I still genuinely felt that Rina will return later to the reharsals at 6 p.m. onwards to 8 p.m. but she didn't come the next day. I tried calling her but her phone no. remained unavailable. Now this really scares the hell out of me as I have really made a good and a genuine friendship with her without any malice, complaints, demands and complications.

Chapter 7:-

I even inquired from Arya Prabudha who was his classmate from the engineering classes. He inquired me that she will not return in this as already her self-respect has been taken away and she is very upset and shattered by such kind of human mentality, her whole psychology of thinking has changed overnight and she can't trust anyone anymore so in order to avoid everyone fronm this theatre group she changed her number of her phone as well... This really dejected me but some people just can't withstand the storm as they seem quite bold and straightforward fro outside but are actually very soft-hearted and soft spoken from inside, so they need to be handled with care and concern over their mental health. So it is better that Rina has left the hypocrisy and chooses her own path of freedom where she was not judged by her way of dressing, way of talking and way of choosing her friends be it lads only and freedom of choosing her own long lost liberal freedom. Thinking of this I moved further to complete my second last day, the 7th day of the historical play's rehearsal.

Till today after this incident that happened over around in the year 2010 and to the present state that is in the year 2018 when I'm finally jotting this story down as I'm not even in touch with Rina but still I Shama wanted to share a little #MeToo story where I again question and doubt the actual definition of democracy that should be distributed between both the genders with equality and in fact to everyone such as the nature, the animals, the humans without any preconceived notion, bias and prejudice till the sun and the moon remained. . . VichaarKaPitaara by Sweekriti Sethi :) ...

The End...


(All Rights Reserved).

Copyright ©"S.MANNAH"!! भारतीय कॉपीराइट अधिनियम 1957, के अन्तर्गत कहानी बनाने की सामग्री तथा रेखा~चित्र के अधिकार "S.MANNAH"!! के पास सुरक्षित है, इसलिए कोई भी व्यक्ति इस कहानी का नाम, टाइटल~डिजाइन, अंदर का मैटर व चित्र आदि आंशिक या पूर्ण रूप से तोड़~मरोड़कर एवम किसी भी भाषा में छापने व प्रकाशित करने का साहस ना करे अन्यथा कानूनी तोर पर हर्ज~खर्चे व हानि के ज़िमेदार स्वयं होंगे॥

Copyright © 2018 "S.MANNAH"!! The moral right of the author has been asserted. All rights reserved. This story is published subject to the condition that it shall not be reproduced or retransmitted in whole or in part, in any manner, without the written consent of the copyright holder, and any infringement of this is a violation of copyright law).

#storytellersofFb #कहानीकार #कहानीवाला ©"S.MANNAH"!! 💼👈

19:21 p.m. Sun., 11th Nov.||. Copyright © 2K18. Pub.

#shortstories #fictionwriters #microtales #flashfiction #novels #novella of the Social Media by Yours faithfully "S.MANNAH"!!....

All contents copyright ©. All rights reserved.

Published On:~~~11/11.