Chaos in the Club

"Shipments are ready to be unloaded ma'am. No problems so far. Goods will be delivered to the club in 4 to 8 hours." spoke the voice from the phone on the table. There was a knock on the door, where Sonja peeped in telling me, I have a visitor and by her look I have an idea who it is. I nod at her to send them in. "Good to hear Darren. You know the drill. The number of crates and their contents, before loading at the dock and at the club while unloading. I need a detailed report. Don't be late and let me know if there are any hiccups along the way." I replied. This was a routine protocol every week when our shipments of liquor arrived at the dock.

Of course not all those crates contained liquor. The club has a back portion which is a sort of meeting spot for my father's men. That also means exchanges of all kinds of weapons and ammunition. After all my father, Alexander Corvus, is the head of The Ravens Mafia and we rule the Division Marbon.

Since the last great war, governments have been deemed useless in terms of administration and communication with other governments and have been dissolved and the Mafia families have risen to care for their citizens.

Not that there is great communication between the now called Divisions, we keep to our turfs and there is less of superiority issues among the Nations. of course there is always a sore player on the field, like this piece of shit sitting in front of me.

Meet the King of dicks, Jekyll Scorpius, head of the Scorpion Mafia. "Ms. Corvus, we have been going on at this argument since the governments, it's time to give up and let me have the sub division 45."

Coralle or as King dick called it, sub division 45 has been the bone of contention between our families since the inception of Divisions and Mafia rule. Divisions were previous states under the independent rule, but since Coralle was under the direct rule of the then Presidents, there was a conflict in its belonging. However previous ruler of the Scorpion's turf, Xoran, Jekyll's father had written it off to the Ravens due to it's heavy maintenance.

And now this jerk wants it back since there has been a discovery of a mine in the vicinity.

"Now, now Mr. Scorpius, you and I both know that the said argument was put to rest when your father, Mr. Xoran Scorpius had written it over to the Ravens specifically to the Corvus family. So I don't know what you are here to achieve other than waste my time and yours. If that is all you wanted to discuss, door is that way."

Jekyll looked outraged, "Cocky as always I see. Mark my words Zaphira, this isn't the end of this talk. I will take what is rightfully mine. By hook or by crook!" he sneered and walked away slamming the door.

Drama queen.

Finally! Now I can finish my paper work in peace! Three stacks of paper work, yay me! Note the sarcasm. How did this stuff pile up so fast? I had finished 4 stacks of them yesterday! That's the payment for the power we hold. These stacks contain information of not just the club business but the total Division and that includes the new mine in Coralle. Fun things!

I was going through the second pile when I saw a commotion on the dance floor among the various footages on my screen.

"Ma'am, we've got a situation on the dance floor." Reported Arion, one of the security on the floor.

"I can see that, what is the cause? Why aren't you dispersing the crowd?"

"It's not that simple ma'am. We are a bit confused about the next step."

"Don't beat around the bush Arion. Get to the point."

"It's a child ma'am. Somehow he got onto the dance floor. One of the patrons tried to grab him to question but he panicked and started struggling and within no time a crowd gathered around them scaring the kid even more."

"Wonderful, fun keeps on adding doesn't it?" I mumbled to myself.

"Disperse the crowd, bring the patron and the child to my office. I don't want any other problem down there. Send them with Adrain and come up here when you are done handling it."

"Yes ma'am. Right away."

I watched Adrian arrive at the scene as Arion and another bouncer cleared the area. Adrian got a hold of the child who was struggling and the patron followed him.

In a few moments there was a knock on my door. After I told them to come in, the door opened to show Adrain struggling to hold the child and the miffed looking patron. I quickly asked the man about the situation, his answer correlating to Arions.

He cockily described that he grabbed the frail child. I apologized for the situation and sent him back down.

He looked as though he wanted to complain, so I called for Arion to take him back down and turned my attention to the still struggling child.

I asked Adrian to let the child go, as expected, as soon as he left him he made a run for the door, which was locked.

Both Adrian and I tried to approach him from each side. The child looked terrified of Adrain. Of course Adrian was a huge guy, 6'5" height, pure muscle and an ever resting scowl on his face. So yeah, not many favored his company.

This kid looked scared of everything but more so of Adrian. So much so that he started moving towards me when he couldn't move back anymore.

I slowly got hold of the child and signalled Adrian to go out. He looked sceptic but did it none the less. The door opened with his fingerprint and he stepped out of the room. As soon as he stepped out, the child seemed to calm down a little. Interesting.

After the door closed behind Adrian, I took the child to the couch, placing him in the middle, I sat the floor in front of him with my hands where he could see them. Making myself small and as non-threatening as possible seemed to work a little, since the child relaxed and shoulders drooped but his eyes still moved around the room as if looking for exits.

"Hello there. I am Zaphira Corvus. May I know your name?" The child looked at me and shrugged. He looked about 5 years old, pale skin with bruises littering on his face and arms and I'm sure his torso too. I could see the fresh bruises made by that man when he grabbed him. That jerk! The kid looked scared.

"Come on, you can tell me, it's alright, nobody here will hurt you."

He shook his head.

" You can't talk?" I asked. He nodded his head.

"Do you have a name?" he shook his head no.

"How old are you?" he counted his fingers and held seven up.

"How can you not have a name for 7years?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Where are your parents?" he shrugged and shook his head, "you don't know?" he nodded yes.

"So then where did you come from?" he suddenly became stiff and started shaking his head, infact his whole body started shaking and he started crying.

"Hey, hey, it's ok, I'm not taking you back there, okay? Relax, you won't go back there." He looked like he was on the verge of a panic attack. "Can I touch you?" I asked from where I was on the floor.

He stiffened even more, if that was possible but reluctantly nodded his head. I moved slowly towards him like a cornered animal and lightly pet his head. He slowly relaxed into my side, still sobbing his eyes out, clutching onto my shirt. I slowly rubbed his back whispering I wouldn't take him back there and that he was safe.

It seemed like hours till he cried himself to sleep, still holding on to my shirt. When I was sure he wouldn't wake up, I gently untangled his fingers from my shirt, made him lie on the couch and draped a quilt that was on the armrest over him.

I summoned Adrian who was right outside the door, we started discussing the situation and our next steps.

Questions were nagging me, who was the child? where did he come from? how did he get in here? "First things first, for a seven year old, he looks very malnourished. I want doc to check him up and then we will think of a solution for this predicament. But I don't want it to be public, so call in the family doc, Doctor Ford for me. Tell him it's an emergency." I ordered Adrian.