New novel

Before we start with this story I would like to share my thought about why I am creating this story.

I have been preparing my self for this new novel for a while now and I would like to share it with you all. If you remember a guy named V.V.Doom who wrote a novel called The Rage fueled Hakaishin well That's me and I ran out of ideas with that novel after I wrote the fourth chapter.

I think this novel is going to get more chapters like 10 to 20 or so maybe more.

If you like Saiyans that are ridiculously overpowered then your at the right place.

If you Want to see Goku black change from wishing total genocide to all mortals and gods., being obsessed with killing and ending all Ningen to just ending and annihilating those who deserve to be killed. Well then look forward to it.

If you know about the Evil Saiyan from dragon ball heroes, xenoverse game. ya the one that is ridiculously overpowered who takes on Goku in ssgssb-kai-ken in base form. ya, that one. if you want to see him hop from realm to realm or universe to universe destroying s*** and defeating Hakaishins then your on the right place.

This Takes place after the Tournament of power where Android 17 wished for all the erased universes to be restored.

Our Saiyan Twins well be born or reincarnated in u-14.

Goku black well have a hard time growing up with those brainless monkeys as he prefers to call them NINGEN!!!

So you guys know beforehand I`ll try to upload 1 or maybe 2 chapters a week.

This is also my first or you could say the second novel. so don`t expect a good novel from me.



Everything related to dragon ball all belongs to Akira Toriyama, Funimation, and Fuji TV.

Now that that is out of the way Lets jump into this story.