"Good God," he said, when he had found the figure.

"Exactly." Smythe's voice seemed to hold a note of satisfaction over Ian's shock. "You ward is a very wealthy young woman."

"So it seems," Ian agreed absently. He was doing a calculation of just how wealthy in his head, just to be sure he hadn't made any mistake.

"And I can't see anything happening that would bring the price down," Mr Smythe went on. "Quite the reverse, if you want my opinion."

"Who knows about this?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"I am wondering whom you have told about my Ward's fortune," Ian repeated patiently.

The lawyer looked taken aback by the question. "I'm not perfectly sure I understand you, Mr Sinclair."

"It's very simple. I should like to know who in your firm has been made privy to this information."