The memory of Jarek's light kiss, the way his sea green eyes had cruised her body and had heated it, disturbed her nights.

She hadn't seen him since that night in the rain. Perhaps he'd decided that she was a no go, that she wasn't interested in a summer romance and he'd moved on. But had she?

She frowned at the fax scrolling out of the machine provided with the suite, and skimmed the Bella corporate sales figures on it. Accessories were down—the wrap-around sunglasses yielding to oversize styles, clear tote bags favoured in lieu of straw ones, the roll-up straw beach blanket made progress and so did the large crushable straw hat.

Leigh traced the sales figures graph on the new line of men's swimwear and they were not encouraging.

Nor were her brother's and parent's bills, which she had mailed to them.

She watched the thundering ocean waves in the distance, a layer of fog rolling in at early evening.