Seeking trouble II

Chapter 78

The hall is still silent because of what the emperor said, and he had let go of the pressure that he's using to press down the right prime minister.

"Do you still need to tell me something?" The emperor asked but it looks like this person is quite a formidable one, and he once again asked the emperor with a bomb question.

"y… your majesty is that woman has the privilege to become an empress of our country if, so we…* cough* we wanted to know her" Angry veins was once again showing itself in the emperor temple and even the Jin Wangye is now praying for the poor officials' fate, but it seems like this time the other officials backed him up since they didn't want a simple woman to become their empress.

Though they are giving up the chance that their daughters can become the emperor's concubine they didn't have the courage to kill themselves even though their daughters asked them to ask the emperor for them to become his concubines but it seems like when the night fall, and they went home cries of young maidens can be heard inside their homes.

Thinking of it was an official who extremely loves his daughter stood up

"We also have the same question your majesty, please reconsider making that woman the empress and gave other young maidens a chancee in the harem"

The Jin wangye was extremely dumbfounded with the courageous official, he just holds a lowly position much lower than the right prime minister, but he is indeed had the courage.

He won't be surprised if his brother broke the table in front of him just like how he reacted on his favor earlier.

This time that official get to another daylight since he died instantly.

The officials in the room were frightened to their core, this is the first time they saw this version of their emperor, he usually listens to them and even in the past this topic was brought he just brushed it off, but this time he is extremely violent.

The people inside the room didn't want to rebuke and let their daughters cry their hearts out.

"Anyone who will bring this topic to me once again will be killed by me in a very slow way" he then stood up and left his throne to go outside, but when he passed by the official he killed.

"Your family must be thankful since I killed you immediately," He said with the eyes of Asura.

When the loud noise of the big door was closed the people inside breath air as if they didn't have it for a day because of fright.

They want to rebuke the emperor earlier, but they still love their lives.

This thought won't leave their minds, and this might cause a huge misunderstanding in the court but Jin Wangye stopped it.

"To the people who are inside this room, I hope you all enjoy the version of the emperor that you all respect when he is going to war" He then smiled sinister which made the people inside to feel the pressure.

A Suivre…