Visiting The Capital City!~

Su Yan and her party are rushing to the capital but suddenly her eyebrows were twitching which made her command them to stop.

She stared below their vehicle only to see someone rushing in the opposite direction of theirs.

She can see that this man has anxiety on his face while rushing without caring about his body.

"Brat, see that man? Is he someone you know? If not we can ignore him!"

"Huh? Ahh that was my scout! Please let me ask him something! It seems there's something wrong in capital!"

"Okay! Go down then!" Su Yan agreed with him then she ordered him to go down.


A man rushing forward from the capital direction was the only one left to search for their commander.

His running speed is almost like a cheetah, but he knows that with his current speed it's impossible for him to be on time.

He only hoped that the bastard son of a deceased king wouldn't be that impatient or else his sacrifice would be just for nothing.

Suddenly he found out there's a flying carpet which descended in front of him, he was wary of it at first but when he saw the one who rode it, he was kneeling while crying immediately.

"Sir, finally you are back! If you are late, maybe all of your subordinates will change into corpses already!"

"...Tell me! what happened?"

"Yes sir! Its like this..."


Rani massaging her forehead while seeing the girl who was sleeping on the bed.

She knows that she is the one who is saving this girl but she didn't think about what to do with her.

She only hoped that Risa could persuade her new master to take them in or else she could wander around together with this girl.

Although there's a strange presence above, she could sense that her big sister is fine.

She thought her sister was having a nice dream or maybe a nightmare, but at least nothing bad happened so she fell asleep on the sofa while remaining alert of her surroundings.



Risa, in actual fact, is really dreaming, but her dream is sweet to the point of her mouth drooling nonstop while her pussy twitches sometimes while squeezing its juice.

Zars felt a little speechless after seeing the woman on his arm acting like this, but he didn't have the heart to bother her peaceful sleep.

Waving his hand, all of the hidden guards, whose spectral assassins appear in kneeling position at his direction.

Their eyes were clear and only filled with respect to him, he didn't take too much time to let his penis slide out from Risa's pussy and set her body on the bed before going out from there.

He was standing and his usual orb artifact was changing its form into shorts pants covering his lower body and he didn't bother to clean up his body from the strange smell of sex.

He was only using a towel from the assassin to wipe the drool on his chest while smiling.

"This girl is really cute! You! Cut the cloth which has her virgin's blood, this king don't want her to find it gone later! Place it beside her bed, I will go out and check this area!"

"Yes Master!"

"Hmm, good! This woman was your new mistress so protect her with your life!"


Zars waving his hand before disappearing from that room, the assassins still in their kneeling position before standing straight after he was gone.

By the time their master was gone, one of them was securing the clothes which had Risa's virgin blood.

Aside from the one who did this, all assassins disappeared from the room to guard Risa from the dark.


Harem Palace Sect.

Neisyah and Nirsyah are currently monitoring their sisters going in and out of the secret palace's entrance location.

Seeing it was almost finished, Neisyah waved her hand summoning her retainer.

"Tell all souls within this place that this domain will enter first level security after this queen has gone to pick up our king!"

"Yes, Your Highness Queen!"

"Hahaha, big sis your habit from reading josei novel is brought into reality? Hahaha"





Seeing everything had been finished, she straightened her body. Standing with solemn face, she told them with stern ton.

"Those chances were from this Queen's husband for you all! From now on you're all his woman, don't ever try to betray his kindness! Or you will know how it feels when people think dying is luxury!"

"Yes, your highness Queen!" All the women gathered kneeling in her direction while exclaiming together.

Their lovely voice was combined that make the place atmosphere lively yet their answer is without hesitation.

Some of them had contempt hidden within while their thoughts about betraying Zars were never there to begin with.

The contempt was directing people who would betray Zars in the future, though it would almost impossible its happened.

"Now you all can go back on your own! You can continue what you did before or you can do anything you want!"

After she saw that everything had been done, she waved her hand to open the portal which connected her to Zars's location.

"Ohh, we go to the darling's location?"

"Hmm, let's go!"


The two entered the portal before it was swirling until it was gone like it was never there.

Every woman staring at it for a while before doing their thing like usual.


The smooth and steady features of the mountains became precipitous. Up ahead, the mountains were colored a bright fiery red as if burned by the sunset.

A large amount of maple trees, a common sight in Merchant Country, planted all over the mountain. The maple leaves were incredibly enchanting, these scenes could be seen everywhere in this mountain range.

In the wind there was a faint scent of blood.

Several miles away, a burst of sound could be heard. It sounded like a fight.

Deep in the maple forest, there was a glossy black Lightning Sable Leopard together with three well dressed aristocratic youths.

The three youths clung to their weapons. From left to right, they assumed a triangular encirclement position. Two of them attacked while one of them guarded, harmoniously coordinating in tacit understanding.

Lightning Sable Leopard evaded the attack and revealed a dispirited appearance as it found itself cornered.

Its body was full of wounds and the ground was dyed by its blood's color. The three youths were laughing while bullying the leopard.

One of them is the third prince of Royal Su Clan, who didn't know something had happened back to his home.

He is having fun with his two friends while being oblivious about his family's doom.


The skies were overcast and the dark clouds were suppressing over the dignified atmosphere of the Palace. The formally magnificent palace hall was shrouded by the dark clouds as if it was a huge cage, trapping the people inside firmly.

In the large chambers, the curtains seemed old as it was covered with a thick layer of dust. It was originally a hot weather but one actually felt a little cold. Clothes and jewelry were scattered all over the floor as if a calamity had just gone by.

The woman was half kneeling on the ground, looking at the person in front.

She was only in her thirties but her face was like an old woman. There was deep hostility between her brows, her eyes were as dead as stagnant water and they were seemingly unable to tear like a long dry well but filled with a bottomless hatred.

"Your Ladyship, please." The eunuch beside had a bolt of white silk in his hands and his tone could not hide his impatience, "This eunuch still needs to report back to his Majesty on the completion."

"What Majesty! He wasn't king yet dare to use this address huh? if not for him using chaotic situation within capital, there's no way he could dare to seize the throne! This queen still alive and well, my sons crown prince and third prince still alive! What right would he dare to seize the throne which this queen's son should have? HUH?" The woman screamed while ignoring the pain on her body.

"...." Eunuch left the room while ignoring her outburst, his expression full of contempt and disdain.

The queen felt punching in the air which made her indignant, seeing the eunuch ignoring her talk her big chest moved up and down while her eyes twitched in pain since her body was still full of wounds.

She gritted her teeth out of anger and resentment, her eyes full of hatred and unwillingness.


Zars appeared on the alley within the capital, he furrowed his brow seeing there was something wrong with the situation.

Looking around his smile deepened since he can feel the situation seem to be chaotic.

Although its calm on the outside, he can feel the stifling atmosphere around this place.

After seeing this, he tried to check the source of trouble, because this place is Su Yan's hometown he can't totally ignore it.

He stared for a while at the imperial royal palace's direction before disappearing again like he was never there in the first place.

Beggars, who is sleeping awake from a startle after feeling chills on his back, he was looking around vigilant before fleeing with terror.




Within the room where the former queen of capital resides, suddenly Zars appears and his appearance startles her.

"Yo-You..Who are you?" The woman who is still indulging in resentment and helplessness feels startled from his sudden entrance.

"Hmm, where is this? Hoh, there's woman here? It seems your body is full of injury, if not treated soon maybe you will be sick and die not long after!" Zars, who appears suddenly touching his chin while looking around the room, then answering the woman's question with a smile.

"...." The woman dazed after seeing his appearance and smile, her mind gone blank which made her forget everything.

"Hmm, how about this king treat it and you become mine after?" Seeing her staying silent, he thought that she was in pain so he is offering to cure her.

"...." The woman still dazed and staring at him without moving, her current appearance would make people feel disgust but Zars didn't feel so.

"Err, another one fell into my appearance and aura huh? Well, I can't despise my own appearance since it was mine haha!" Zars felt speechless seeing her state, but he can only smile while scratching his head.

Suddenly, Eunuch entered the room only to see the scene where Zars was about to heal the queen.

"...You! Who are you! Are you intending to rebel against the king's order?" Eunuch pointed at Zars while screaming in a high pitch tone which is disgusting from Zars's perspective.

"What the? You lowly eunuch dare to ask this king's intention? since when this king need other's agreement to do something?" Turning around, Zars's eyebrow raised while glaring at eunuch.

Hearing the question from this eunuch, he leaked his aura to pressure while questioning the eunuch with a domineering tone.

Eunuch, who had an arrogant expression, was immediately forced to kneel after being frightened by Zars's pressure.

His body is full of sweat and his nonexistent organ meat is leaking piss which is disgusting.

"So, any last word? after all from that tone, it seems you were tired of living after all! This king would be kind today, so this one would reward you a path to hell directly!" With a hand on his back, he glared at eunuch while scrunching his nose.

Waving his hand, he isolated the area where the eunuch was kneeling to make the smell stay there.

At first Zars thought to kill this eunuch but after seeing the wrath on the woman's face he changed his mind.

"Hmm, hey beauty! How about you decide the punishment for this lowly creature? Do you want it to be killed or you want to kill it yourself?" Lowering his body to meet her face, he touched her chin while asking her with a smile.