
Chapter 3: Box

Doll had a pleasant nap. He dreamt of being in the Hundred Acre Woods from that children's fantasy story. Christopher Robin sat beside Pooh while he sat beside Eeyore and shared a few pots of honey as they watched the sunset.

He was disappointed when he woke up. He stretched and climbed down from his perch. It was time to return to the orphanage. Not that it mattered much. They never noticed much of his presence anyway.

Before leaving, he took a wistful glance at the area. Reluctance showed on his face. But he still had to go. He turned around and exited into the silence.

It was late evening by the time he reached the orphanage. He took his wet shoes off at the entrance and made his way to a bathroom to wash off the muck.

As he made his way to the dinner table, he felt something off. There was a strange forlorness in the air. He neared the main hall. The mess hall was just ahead of it. The hallways were too quiet. Where were the other kids?

Suddenly a hand fell on his shoulder and tightened in a vice-like grip.

"Where were you for the entire day? Eh? Do you know what you have done?"

It was one of the Nuns. She jerked him angrily and dragged him to the main hall. She threw the doors open and barged in.

"Here," she said as she threw him towards the floor.

Doll realised that something was very wrong. All the Nuns and the kids were present. There was even the Master and an Officer.

He rubbed his smarting wrist and shoulder and stood up. He didn't make eye contact with anyone and kept his head lowered.

The Head Nun who was sat on the chair gazed at him sternly. "Where did you go?" Her tone frosty, she continued her interrogation, " Were you in the woods?"

Doll tried to remember if he had forgotten something important. Did a kid tattle on him?

He meekly nodded his head. "Were you hiding from us when we came to look for you?"

He immediately shook his head.

"Speak up!"

"No, Ma'am!"

"Then what were you doing in the forest?" She interrogated.

"I was...."He tried to say but his sentence ended up trailing off into a whisper.


"I was sleeping, Ma'am."

There was a short muted period when his words were registered.


"Yes, Ma'am."

She paused and sized him up. His clothes were slightly muddy. There was also a faint mark on his right cheek. But things did not add up.

"Where were you sleeping?"

"About a three minute walk from the fence near the dead log."

That was where they began searching the woods too. They had searched the entire stretch of the fences and even the deeper parts of the forest. Twenty special Officer grade Scouts and Trackers were deployed. Even their advanced and upgraded Systems didn't help despite being specialized in that field. It was clearly impossible for something to escape their perception. Those Trackers who were capable of counting the exact number of needle-like leaves on a conifer that was hundreds of meters away were thwarted by a boy? An Odd?

He was scared that she would scold him for climbing a tree without any 'safety harnesses' so he didn't mention that he had.

The Officer standing in the room measured each and every move -from the heartrate to the dilations of his pupils- using his system. No lies were detected.

He got it recorded, nodded his squarish head at the Head Nun and briskly strode out of the hall.

The Head Nun also stood up and got to leave and send him off. Before she reached the door, she ordered, " No food or water for two days. Put him in the Box."


The Box was a tiny room with no windows. An adult would only have enough space to sit still. It was cramped, dusty and dark, squarish and only was about fifty square centimeters in area. Ventilation came through a small hole that was covered in a black cloth.

Doll felt his stomach rumble. He had skipped both breakfast and dinner. The orphanage did not have lunches.

He was still confused about the situation. It wasn't until the next morning that he could ask one of the younger girls about it when she passed by. The girl narrated the whole incident to him through the door. There was even a hint of irritation towards him in her speech.

Doll was bewildered. Perr? The one whose bed was right next to his? Dead? Why? It didn't make sense. He asked her twice more and each time it was a dreaded affirmation.

Then it sunk in. He was appalled and horrified. Perr had died. The reward was only a pair of socks and the punishment, his life. There was another causality along with him and five other people who were injured because of an offset side mission to help locate him. Two deaths, five injured. It was his fault because he wasn't reachable. And it was all because he was an Odd.

The only way people could contact other people was through their systems. No one ever had the need for external communication devices like Earthland phones.

He was so close to Perr but yet he still, somehow, indirectly caused his death. And it was not just his, but another person's too.

Today was the day of the funeral. They buried Perr and the other person together on the same day. Three of the other injured had attended too. The remaining were still suffering their punishments for an incomplete mission.

The dreary skies made the funeral all the more sombre. Perr's best friend watched the proceedings blankly. His face still felt the wetness of his friend's blood. It had become raw with all the scrubbing. Some of the matter had entered his mouth too. His mind kept replaying Perr's head exploding over and over again. He hadn't slept the whole night as he locked himself in the bath and kept scrubbing till a Nun had to come in and stop him.

As Perr was lowered into his grave, the rest of the children stood by silently clutching three flower petals. Finn watched his only brother and best friend being covered by mud. His cold grave was filled with glacial and frosty soil.

Each petal scattered had a symbolic meaning.

The first petal stood for Happiness.

The second for Sorrow.

The last petal stood for Forgetfulness .

It represented the happiness they shared in life, the sorrow they shared in parting and the promise to forget the dead and live the rest of their lives to their best for the sake of their dead brother or sister.

The snowflakes fell and danced along with the chilly winds. It made merry and gilded about its own joyous paths and joined the funeral march with its cheerful, skittish play. It was almost mocking.


Doll couldn't even see Perr one last time. He did have a much better relationship with him as compared to others. They couldn't be considered buddies but merely acquaintances who shared the same room for ten years. At least Perr never deliberately made anything too hard for him.

Doll choked up. He couldn't help it. He was branded a murderer. He remembered the cold, frigid stares of the orphanage inhabitants as he was escorted to this room. He had sinned because he slept soundly as his roommate passed in a gruesome way. All he needed was a drop of his blood. A single drop in exchange for his life.

The cold box felt very much like the shoe box in which he was placed in before being abandoned. He shivered as he leaned on the metal wall. It was cramped and he had to draw his legs in to fit.


The reporters and news stations were having the time of their lives. Such a case was quite rare. Almost all news was about the Odd mission incident in Ravew. Unlike the days on Earthland where people had televisions, all communication devices had been replaced by systems. Only a large advertisement screens were fitted in public places. Announcements were usually made through them to increase the level of attention to a particular topic. Each system was connected to an even larger system of networks called the Net.

Rik sipped his tea as he stared at the news headlines on the blue glowing screen in front of him. His system was of the [Journalist] type. He was a freelance writer in his free time and a deadbeat editor during his work hours. Most of the time, he simply had to create articles just enough to make a person turn his head and pay attention.

He wasn't too moneyminded and was quite easy going and was fortunate enough to get a friendly system who didn't give home many hard tasks.

" Here is another case of an IMM that has taken the residents by a storm. A young boy, aged thirteen had unfortunately lost his life due to a Timer mission. The boy had to obtain a single drop of blood from an Odd. Unfortunately, the only Odd in the country was no where to be seen at the time. He was also uncontactable and hence....."

IMM stood for Incomplete Mission Mortality. Cases of people who died due to being unable to complete a mission were referred as an IMM.

"There were two casualties and five injured. Two are still in coma..."

Rik was so engrossed watching the news that he missed a notification that appeared in his missions list.

His system was a bit irked by him. It decided to beep loudly in its host's mind startling him and causing him to spill his hot tea over his thighs.

"Host Rik! Listen to meeeeeee! Look! There is a new surprise for you~ A mission! Let's check it out," the system cheerfully said. It ignored its host who was fanning his scalded crotch and continued, " The new mission will be..... In Ravew! Host! Quick! Get the flight tickets ready! We are going to Ravew! Yay!"

"Rewards: Photographic memory (minor). Host will be able to remember any written text he has seen.

Punishments: You will lose your apartment to a fire. And also, all your embarrassing secrets will be exposed on your school chat group"

Rik started. Ravew? Wasn't that all the way on the other side of the planet? He didn't have enough money for the tickets!

" Host! Work hard! Your time limit is a week to purchase the tickets. As compensation, this lovely system will cancel all daily and long term missions for a month excluding the missions that are related to the current mission. Currently pending missions will also be erased."

Rik had a faint premotion that his mission had something to do with the news shown this morning. "Looks like I will have to borrow from my dearest sister again....."