Purchasing a Place to Live in.

Chapter 6: Purchasing a place to live in.

White crystalline snow crunched under the heavy steps of the early birds. People hurried along their familiar routes to work or maybe to stop by briefly at a coffee shop for breakfast.

Monday mornings were always the busiest with the chatter of school going kids and old senior citizens who came out for a morning jog with their buddies. The machine sweepers hadn't yet come around to clearing the footpaths covered in snow and the pace of the workers were sluggish as they exerted effort to not sink too much into the icy beds.

Riverendale was a small, backward little remote town where the population was scarce and houses were built in tiny clusters forming many tiny colonies. The neighbours were mostly cordial with each other and the place was quite harmonious.

Rik waited for the broker to introduce him to the seller. He felt quite impatient. It had been half an hour past the agreed time.

"Rik, Mr.Brim has just sent a message he would be unable to meet you as he was rather caught up with work. He instead sent us the address to the owner's place."

Rik felt a bit sidelined and irritated. Mr. Brim was certainly a very snobbish and lazy person quite contrary to his profession that required one to be humble and silver tongued. It took him a lot of time before he could get some work done by him. "Let's take a look then. If it is not as advertised, then we'll get another broker. Either that, or I'll find a place myself," he said as he hailed a self driving cab.


Lucky Leaf Apartments was located at the edge of the town where few resided. The low buildings were spaced out a bit more as compared to the colonies at the centre. Rik rubbed his hands together to warm them up. In his hurry, he had forgotten his gloves back at the inn.

The old landlord, in his opinion, was quite a jolly fellow. He would laugh boisterously at the smallest of jokes he cracked with his hands on his huge belly. His crows feet were quite prominent and his smile lines were deep. With his red, chubby face and silver hair, he gave off the image of a kind old grandpa who spoilt his grandchildren a lot.

Rik had finished inspecting the available flats and felt quite pleased with the one that faced the distant meadow and looked over the backyard. It was much more sunnier and brighter as compared to the rest of the rooms and also fully furnished. The contract had been signed within the span of two hours and the fine details were all finalised.

The price was reasonable and Rik didn't feel much of a pinch. At first, he wanted to rent it but the system refused to change the mission particulars. Rik managed to retrieve his things from the inn the same evening he purchased the house.

His unpacking done, he fell onto his new bed dead tired. The past few days were very hectic. Juggling between his editorial work, travelling and other miscellaneous tasks, he was unable to get proper sleep. The system felt a bit pity for him and decided to let him rest for the night.


"Rik, Wake up! It's past noon already!" hollered a girlish voice in Rik's head. He woke up with a jolt and almost fell off the bed. He groggily berated the voice in his head, "Can't you be a bit more gentle? Stop roaring like a female T-rex every morning."

The system sulked. It moodily informed Rik, "New Mission: Donate a sum of money to Sacred Hearts Orphanage and become a volunteer."

"Rewards: Seven hundred gold credits.

Punishment: Cartaracts."

Rik's eyes went wide at the rewards. Seven thousand gold was a huge sum of money. There were three major denominations for money namely, bronze, silver and gold. One bronze credit was enough to buy a cheap icecream. A hundred bronze was equal to a silver and a hundred silver was equal to a gold. It was enough for him to stay two months at a five star hotel.

"System, tell me about this Sacred Hearts Orphanage. Is it the place where the final part of the quest will take place?"


"Will the quest end then?"


Rik hesitated thinking his next question was silly before he asked another question," Will it be dangerous?"

His face sunk at the reply.
