Before going home 4 days ago, Yoon Chaya filed one day leave with pay. She asked permission to Dr. Lim Ji and granted. Every year she will always go to Da Li Hua District still part of A City. There's a place there that she can always forever grateful to.

She can stay a little bit longer to that place, so she took an early bus before sunrise. It takes two hours to get there by bus. It's a long way road so, she closed her eyes.

After two hours travelling, she pushed the stop button of the bus. Her hands were handy full of things. Brought some gifts for the people she treasures the most. It's 6 o'clock in the morning already and a 15 minutes' walk to reach her destination.

Hope of Children Foundation this is where she is going. An orphanage is a home for children whose parents are dead or unable to take care for them.

As she walked out to the main road, she recalled the time she was staying here. One of the memories she cannot forget in her whole life. It will be a big place in her heart as long as she live.


There's no place like home. That's what she feels as she's in front of the gate. She saw someone in the garden cleaning the area. "Good morning" she greeted smiling at the young man.

The young man lifted his head and saw who came so early this morning. He stopped his doing and excited hugged Chaya. Matt is a 20 years old guy who's been there since he was a baby abandon by his parents. He is like a son to her, super close to Carl as will. He stayed whole his life at the foundation and helping run to it.

"Good morning, Sis Chaya. It's so nice to see you again." He said excitedly.

"Is Mother Rose awake? She asked. They went inside the house and saw the children. They were at the dining area eating their breakfast. They stood up and running towards her.

Chaya was so overwhelmed now. She was so happy to see bunch of kids still smiling when they see her. These children age range 5 to 10 years old. Some were babies left their parents and grown up now. Some of them already go to school, and then the little ones stay at home.

A silhouette appears standing at the doorway of the main office.

Mother Rose, a woman of her 50's the head of the foundation. Looking at her seems she doesn't age at all. She seems to manage to take care of herself as same as taking care of the foundation.

The day Chaya left home, she met Mother Rose. She visited her distant relative living in C City, Chaya's hometown. They were seated together at the bus and that's what they started knowing each other back then. She was a widow with no children of her own.

Chaya was new in the A City and doesn't know where to go at the time. Mother Rose opened her home to a stranger even let her stay in her house which became Hope of Children Foundation now.

A two-story house with 500 square meters area. There were four bedrooms way back but now its eight bedrooms. Five bedrooms have big area for the children and other two were not as big as the children were. There's Chaya's room that still hers to be keep and Carl and Matt shared room. The last one is Mother Rose own room and half of it is her main office for the foundation.

Up until now, Chaya keeps on helping the foundation no matter what small she can give. There are 12 children abandon by their parents. These children are angels that need to be guided in the right path.

Her best friend Kim also helping spread the name of the foundation by putting some donation box in Dr. Lim Ji and Dr. Yu Ming's clinic so that those who wish to help they can put some money inside the box. So far, they maintain every consumption needs and other expenses for the foundation.

"Good morning, Mother Rose. I brought you something and for the kids' too." smiling at her as they walk inside her office.

"Thank you, my Chacha. How's Carl? Next time bring him with you, I miss Filfil so much." she said to Chaya. (Mother Rose only calls them by nicknames. Chacha is Chaya and Filfil is Carl's real name is Carl Fil. She loves them so much like her own.

"Don't worry, Mother Rose. Carl will visit you soon, he is too busy nowadays. His projects almost done and he has a new job too. Aside from being a working student, he teaches drawing to a young girl during Sundays." Chaya shared some info.

"Really! I wonder where he got powerful energy to have such a very busy life as a student."

"Of course, he got it from me hahahaha…" Chaya exclaimed.

"Hahahaha… I am sure he does." They talked and sharing nonstop about life they missed.

Chaya still has time to play, read books with the children every time she visited me. They love her so much like a mother. To her, they are really a family, an angels given to God to be treasure.

A heavy heart as Chaya left the foundation after staying hours that day. If only she can spend more time in this place. But in reality, she needed to earn too to survive and helping the children even in small amount.

Mother Rose did not oblige her to do but in her heart, they are family. Family is not base by blood but with the person who treat you like one.

Carl knew that, he feels that too. In his own way, he did share some of his earnings to the foundation. He has a good heart to the children and all the people in the foundation.