Tung Kim bought a new Condominium unit in Heart City Condominium 1. She gave up her old condominium because of old memories with her jerk boyfriend.

Today she moved to her new place, starts a brand-new life. It was so lucky that a friend of a friend sells this unit to her. The place is awesome and she feels love at first sight when shown it to her.

The ambience of this place makes you feel you are just at home. A beautiful big park outside the condominium, it got everything she need to freshen her mind.

Put up everything inside perfectly. She was not the type of person who has many things at home. She wants it simple that easy to look in the eyes once she comes home from work. She grabbed her purse, went outside to find a supermarket to stocks some beverage and foods in the ref.

Tung Kim loves to cook. Her family backgrounds were famous chefs in their city. Thou she always keeps low profile to separate her personality to them. She wants to live a normal life with no connections to her family. It is better to be independent to start her own identity than to live something she does not prefer to.


Q Supermarket

The supermarket is just a walking distance to her place and very convenient too. You can stroll around the area without using vehicle to reach for you destination. That is why I love this place, Tung Kim thought.

She goes inside, pushed the cart with her. It feels so good to be in the supermarket. Ingredients are everywhere; she cannot wait to cook in her new place.

She goes to the meat section, picked up meat and chicken. To dairy section, this has yogurt, milk and cheeses. Still busy looking around with her pushcart, stopped at the dry goods area, items like chips, cereal, crackers and granola bars.

She enjoys strolling whenever she gets a chance to go to the supermarket. Other section has canned fruits and vegetables as well as soups. In addition, other health and beauty, paper products and cleaning supplies, she still has at home. Lastly, to the winery section, she chooses to get her favorite wine too.

In the same time, she picked her favorite wine and other hand picks the bottle too.

She lifted her head and saw the hand belongs…The pervert?


Wang Jary passed by to the supermarket to buy something to eat. His mood right now is to cook good food for his dinner tonight. He already had done picking up the chicken and other ingredients for chicken curry.

He was about to proceed to the cashier when he forgot to picks a wine. Hurriedly goes to the liquor section then automatically choose his favorite wine.

However, as he picked the bottle other hand touched it too. They both stared at each other's eyes without realizing that their hands still holding.

Wang Jary frowned. This familiar woman who called me pervert, he thought. What the h*ll?

Both of them had murderous stares. Both of them do not let go of the bottle. They seem doing a tagging of war games with the wine bottle. The salesperson wondered what they were doing.

He approached them. "Ehem, excuse me Sir/Madam. I think there are plenty of same brand of wines in the aisle. I can get it for both of you."

Hearing the salesperson in-charge both of them stopped. He handed the wine to each of them. Tung Kim gave a dirty look at the pervert then step on his shoes as she walked pass on him.


Wang Jary gazed at the woman but did not do anything at all. He controlled his anger. He left right away and straight to the cashier to pay for his groceries.

Tung Kim is on the other counter. The cashier already computes all the things she bought then left the supermarket immediately. She never looked back at the pervert and walked back to the street she went before.

She then noticed that someone was following her way. She walked faster. She stopped and turned back. She saw the pervert behind her a little distance.

"Are you stalking me? furious Kim was asking him.

Wang Jary stopped in front of her and spoke. "Why would I do that? Who are you that I have to follow?"

"Huh! Why are behind my back if you're not following me?" She said madly.

"Why? Is this road that only you can walk this way?" Jary replied.

Flaming in anger, Tung Kim continues to walk until she reaches the condominium. She goes inside the building and the man still following her. She stopped again and faced him.

"What are you doing? Until here, you are following me. I'm going to call a security." Tung Kim warned him.

Wang Jary was surprised when he realized that they live the same building. He wasn't expecting this.

"Whaat?" he murmured.

Tung Kim was about to call the security. Nevertheless, the security came near them and greeted the man with respect.

"Good evening Mr. Wang. Good evening Ms. Tung." Kim mouth opened with shock. It means the man is living here too.

No wonder he walked the same path as me, she thought all of the sudden. Due to embarrassment, she pushed the elevator button up sign.

Wang Jary curved his lips a little. He knew that Ms. Tung was embarrassed when the guard spoke to them in the lobby. When the elevator opens both of them goes inside.

He saw her pushed the top floor of the building. 'Therefore, we are the same floor. So, she is Tung Kim. My newly neighbor that bought in front of my unit.' He devilish smiled.

Tung Kim stays silent during the ride inside the elevator. She was curious why the man did not push the floor button. She wanted to speak but it was so embarrassing a while ago for accusing him a stalker.

There were three units on the top floor. Wang Jary occupied the biggest and largest unit on that area. Tung Kim unit was just one-fourth of his place. When they arrived at the top floor, still Tung Kim didn't say anything as if her tongue cuts off.

Wang Jary first the one who gave the initiative to speak to her when they were in front of their unit.

"I am sorry of what happened previously. By the way, I'm Wang Jary." He reached his hand to her.

Tung Kim angry stares at him and opened her unit without saying anything. She goes inside then closed the door. She stays behind the door for a while. She really felt embarrass. She could not believe it.

"That pervert is my neighbor." she said while looking at the pinhole of her door. "What a bad luck!"